Two quick notes: First, thank all of you! It has been incredibly fun writing for all these years even if we’ve slowly adapted and changed the content as our interests have evolved. We still remember writing about getting into banking and now we’re not even sure if that’s worth it outside of M&A. We’ve considered quitting many times and events like this remind us it can be fun knowing your writing is actually worth something. Second, we apologize for the email issue. We haven’t launched anything in 2-years as we don’t spam people with the same stuff in 7 different formats for $25-50 each so it was dated. That said the good news is that you can simply grab it now!
Some Highlights: In the book we do giveaway our specific psychedelic routine. While some will see that the routine is basic and to the point… that is how anything successful works when it comes to routines. We optimized that exact set up and “zig zag” over the course of 5-years or so. We already regret giving it out since we’ve taken hundreds of hours of testing time out of the game and you can start with it and make small tweaks later on. The good news is that the vast majority of people won’t figure it out and realistically most people don’t even read books so we’re in good shape.
Lots of Success Stories: We still can’t believe how many people have successfully executed on Efficiency. Here are some highlights to remain nameless: 1) first year out the gate made $82,000 in e-commerce while working in investment banking at a mid-tier shop, 2) a person 3-years out and is now making $20,000 per month, huge move for him, 3) a guy who failed *three* different times but kept iterating, now making $4K a month while working in enterprise sales clearing six figures on his day time career, 4) easily 100s of people who have successfully gotten into investment banking – many pushing into M&A and 5) two people who successfully sold their first 7-figure assets, one went on a massive bender blowing $75,000 in less than a week – don’t laugh you’ll end up doing this too! We highlight several of these people on Twitter since we don’t’ want to give away their private info.
Basic Sales Type Comments: Since we don’t spam our readers with tons of offers and upgrades every year (at insanely high prices), we’re still surprised at how effective email lists are. They are 10x more effective than social media and general traffic. This is a good reminder for anyone who is foolish enough to skip the email sign up for a real product based business. The key to any business (even a hobby blog) is that you need repeat customers. As a fun note, some people have been following for over 5-years and it has been fun to watch that 1) they are okay with us slowly changing the content and 2) their own success over time.
Content and Change: On that note, there is nothing we can really do about evolving interests and content. Several years ago we used to be against psychadelics and here we are now using it as a performance booster. Several years ago we used to waste time with dating type advice and have now realized that was foolish and lost several hours on something that could be learned in a year at maximum. This is just how it works. The fun part about all of this is we know with certainty if people are actually taking our recommendations and doing them. Why? It works and we have too much proof. Sure it may not work for talentless or lazy people, but that percentage is small at probably under 5-10% of people.
Final Note: In a time of immense turmoil we’re revisiting why we don’t engage with negative people. We realize tons of people hate this blog and attempt to troll, we can’t help but laugh since the chances of them being more successful is already incredibly low. Also. There is nothing gained by interacting with people who dislike you (much higher chance they are incels/future serial killers than future winners). So. Never waste time picking a fight because “they might have nothing to lose”, similar to the crazy story surrounding Aaron Hernandez. If you go out searching for drama don’t be surprised when it finds you in a bad way.
As a reminder, not everyone is going to like you. This is a good thing, you can go spend your time finding people who do. The worst is when someone is “indifferent” then you’re losing time and don’t know if you’re getting any progress (classic sales issue!). So embrace the negativity, they are saving you time and sending more attention to you which also helps.
Three Books: Here are the links to our three products. We attempt to do something never every 2 years or so. Best of luck in 2020! Efficiency, Triangle Investing, Spending for Maximum Return.