For fun we’ve decided to ask a few pointed questions at a wing-woman who is attuned to the whole dynamic of picking up girls. Below is an honest look into her thoughts.
Playboy Commentary in Brackets:
1. Given that girls are coy in giving direct responses please force rank the following for a man’s qualities (Body, Money, Funny, Face, Intelligent, Bedroom Skills).
Before Sex:
1. Face
2. Body
3. Intelligence
4. Funny
5. Bedroom skills
6. Money
After Sex:
1. Bedroom Skills
2. Face
3. Body
4. Money
5. Intelligence
6. Funny
[Notice how money becomes more important for keeping a girl and less for the initial hook up, in fact it replaces being funny as you should have already established a fun and exciting vibe. Ie: game. Game still goes to number one on the list but closely following it, girls follow up with looks, get in the gym and have good skin players]
2. Explain why you’ve made the above choices.
First Choices:
1. I’m not having sex, kissing you, or talking to you, unless you’re attractive.
2. If you are fat, forget it.
3. Intelligence will keep our conversation entertaining and show me you’re not a dumb.
4. I don’t want a clown, or someone overly sarcastic. Just be fun, or fake being nice.
5. I should get a feeling if you are a good potential sexual partner from all the above…
6. Your money has no limited on me. I’m sure anyone can buy a $5 margarita.
Second Choices:
1. It’s what will convince me to see you again so you better be good at it!
2. Still important. Not having sex if you’re not attractive.
3. …your chest better look good when we have sex…haha.
4. If you take me out, I hope you pay. Now your money impacts me.
5. Less important now
6. Don’t care about it as much at this point. It’s just nice to laugh.
[This interview mindset is tilted towards a friend with benefits scenario based on the secondary choices. The takeaway should help, if you want to stay long-term with a girl get your cash together. In the mean time you can always pull girls with limited dough in a night venue allowing you the opportunity to continue stacking paper. Even if you make good coin, unless you’re wealthy there is no reason to run yourself the gold digger risk]
3. We know each other fairly well and I’d put your looks at the 6.5-7 range based on this scale so with that said, how much money is enough money for a guy to make.
I hope they don’t make a fortune. I’m intimidated by someone who makes over 60k. Unless I’m a gold digger, or looking to marry, the money you make has no impact on me. A guy with too much money is hard to keep up with. Unless both people make the same amount of money (or around), the lifestyle difference become obvious and are hard to keep up with. I’m sure most girls would say the more money the better but these girls will also expect you to pay for their phone bill, buy them a dress, fill up their tank, etc, and then give you bad sex in return.
I am pretty thankful for the guys who use Uber, and let me get fancy cocktails, but anyone with a credit card can afford that.
[Reiteration of the same idea, unless she’s looking to settle down, you’re better off focusing on game, looks and the weight room for a regular supply of women to add to your sex life. Also note the word “intimidated” in her response, this means it is smarter to make the girl feel comfortable around your socio-economic status for the short-term and then flip it later if you want to lock the girl into a longer term relationship. This also prevents you from being gold-dug.]
4. Explain the worst date you’ve been on.
I don’t go on dates.
[Do people really go to dinner dates still? Seriously?]
5. Explain the worst sex you’ve had
(Bartender guy you met). When I first met him, I liked him instantly mainly because of his face and body (didn’t care if he had any money). One time while we were at his house we walked outside and he started feeling me up, pushing me against walls, pulling my hair, dry humping me, groping, everything but sex. It was clear that if we ever hooked up it would be amazing.
One day he calls and begs to come over. When he showed up he said he wanted to fuck me. I was undressed when he said “I really want to fuck you but I cannot get an erection.” I’d never had this happen to me before, and I was disappointed and wet for nothing.
After a break, we made out again, and this time he was able to get it up. Supposedly. Or as erect as that thing went. I think he was fucking me, because he was doing all the movements. He was so small, I could not feel anything! In fact, I think he knew this and refused to let me touch his penis.
It was just bad. His shoes left a bad smell in my room. I had to wash my sheets as soon as he left.
[The only reason I asked this was to laugh at my screen with the full story now on the “interwebz”]
6. When you see a hot guy at the bar or in public how do you attempt to get his attention?
Stand next to him. Walk in front on him pretending to be checking my phone and stopping where he can visibly see me. Ask him for a light. Asking him whatever seems appropriate (time, directions, to load something on his phone cause mine won’t work, if he knows where the bathroom is, does he know where I can get food?)…
[Effectively in night time venues you look for eye contact, hovering around your area with no particular reason for doing so and of course you should be standing at the choke points in all night venues. Second you see that “appropriate” simply means any harmless question that will force a conversation]
7. What advice do you have for guys that does not include “be confident?”
Most girls are always complaining about how no one ever talks to them, so just go talk to them.
[Numbers Game]
8. We’ve gone out multiple times to be shady, do you believe there is anything wrong with this lifestyle?
Not for us anyway and not for the other person either. It’s a win-win situation. The girls you left in bed will learn to be more aware next time, or to play the game. You are improving your game, I’m learning tricks. It’s like going back to a lower division class when you are getting tutored from the grad students.
[It’s just a game guys have fun]