Once a year we like to add some items we’ve learned particularly as age related issues begin to work into the equation. One of the main items that continues to worsen is flexibility, hair and skin. This is due to natural attrition but you can still look 5-10 years younger by changing your routine/diet over the course of a year. Some of these items may not apply so simply book mark the page for the future.
Skin: For some reason this area seems to decline rapidly without attention. This won’t apply until you’re at least in your 30s. Here are some quick things to remember: 1) caffeine does a lot of damage if not kept in check, 2) water consumption should be higher than the daily recommended amount if you’re exercising regularly, 3) blood flow is extremely important to keep all of your organs in check, 4) dehydration shows up a lot more on your mouth/lips acting as a warning sign and 5) if you’ve got enough money, dysport/botox can be used in the 30s age range to prevent long-term wear and tear.
Starting with caffeine, if you have had a rough year (2020 was certainly rough in terms of work), you’re likely overloading your response system. This means you should cut it out entirely and remain off of it for at least 2-3 weeks. The process is quite painful if you were we really running full throttle.
You can expect the following improvement timeline: 1) your muscles start to hurt quite a bit making it harder to exercise, 2) you may get some headaches, 3) your tongue/mouth will “ask your body” for caffeine so you’ll be forced to replace this with decaf options or a bunch of water and 4) in the end you’ll know you’re off of it when you have no interest in caffeine and you notice a slight glow to your skin. As a note, some people see no real side effects and others only see one or two of them. Either way, your skin will show the difference.
Water consumption is quite easy. You simply need to buy a 64 ounce carton/container and drink at least 2-3 of them per day. Note, this is in addition to the standard green juices that you should be drinking (wheat grass shots, celery/kale mixes etc.). The only thing you really need to do is add around 16-24 ounces of water consumption (more than usual). We’ve stated this before, but if you’re tired of the taste, sparking water is a great option. Lemon/Lime flavored are usually the cleanest.
Blood flow is one we haven’t covered here and is surprisingly important. We had no idea that this actually declines with age. If you take a shower in the morning or add a basic bath once or twice a week you’ll notice that your body “wakes up”. There is another product out there that helps encourage blood flow and reduces heart attack risk: Wax Matrix Niacin. There does not appear to be a lot of long-term effects from supplementing with wax matrix niacin so we’re sticking with it. Similar to HRT and other PED related items, the information is always going to be a bit mixed. The only downside? Sometimes you may experience a “flush” where your face turns pink/red and feels hot for a few minutes (not more than 5). Which is likely due to… You guessed it, good blood flow.
Your lips and internal organs are going to show a lot more signs of dehydration. If you look up common issues for people in their 40s, you’ll notice that people are encouraged to get colonoscopys… Now why? Answer seems to be related to dehydration as well. If you’re dehydrated your internal organs, just like your skin are not as smooth/fluid. You should get tested (no matter what in your 40s), but you can do a lot of work to prevent dehydration (ie. watch your lips.). If your lips are chapped constantly it means your internal organs are also dehydrated. In addition? These issues are also apparently related to eczema, ie. people who have skin rashes/issues are usually the same people who don’t drink enough water and consume a lot of caffeine/uppers.
The last one is for your back pocket. If you’re serious about getting rich you’ll be a multi millionaire (minimum a millionaire) in your 30s. This is also the time frame to look into dysport/botox. Feel free to laugh but there is a reason why wealthy celebrities/public figures look better than average people (hint it’s due to additional treatments such as dysport/botox). The trick here is to bite the bullet early. As soon as you see signs of worry lines you should look into it at minimum.
Muscle Flexibility and Injuries: Ah yes, the flexibility issues continue. You’ll need to invest into equipment to prevent further issues: 1) NormaTec has a great line of products for leg massages, 2) FleetFeet also has a good range of massage guns and 3) you can pick up foam rollers and electrical pulse massages for a few dollars.
Starting with equipment, as a good “rule of thumb” the first thing to go is your maximum force. This would mean your ability to jump extremely high (vertical jump or running jump). This means your first purchase should be the NormaTec product combined with regular ice baths. After this you’re looking at reduction in general wear and tear. There is a reason why knees end up hurting for a lot of people in their 30s/40s (wear and tear). This means you should think about the surface you spend your time on. It is not wise to run on dry sand, the mud or play a significant amount of sports on concrete. These three items put significant pressure on your tendons, hence the high probability of achilles issues in your 30s/40s.
As a final note, one of the major issues with these adjustments is remembering them. It is not easy to go from “never using a product” to using it daily. Therefore, you should put the items in an area where they are hard to forget. If you spend your time working on your desk, you want to convert to a laptop. Work on your laptop while laying in a bed or on a lengthy couch. Then it is extremely easy to remember, just put the massager on before you begin working on your laptop.
Hair Loss and Color: There isn’t much you can do here beyond some basic preventative measures. For example, if your family has a history of hair loss you’re better off shelling out the money for permanent hair replacement (cost of around $20K). On the color side of the equation, you can either dye your hair or you can try to reduce the number of white/gray hairs by increasing your consumption of anti-oxidants. In the end not much is going to prevent the steady color fade so you’re still better off with a combination of dye + hair replacement.
If you want an official view on this, it would be replacement + no hair dye. It just doesn’t make sense to have perfectly dark hair at age 50. There is certainly a gradient here (you can dye for 5-10 years), however, the long-term results in showing some grays (looks strange when someone has dark black hair and is 50-60 years old).
Some Health/Vitamin Note Updates: Beyond the major three items, there are some other things to be aware of. First, we’ve already stated that we think stress is the number one health killer in the world. We have zero proof of this and only go based on what we’ve seen and how the human body reacts to constant stress (there is a reason why poorer people look older – it is not fun to think about paying bills for decades at a time).
The second one is related to vitamin adjustments. If you have some recurring acne issues (cysts etc.) you may want to look into Vitamin A. Concentrated Vitamin A is something that is used for acne improvement. So taking a Vitamin A supplement (2x normal) would likely act as a preventative measure. Also. Vitamin B12 and Magnesium can help improve hair color loss and prevent degenerative skin disease as well.
A third one is not a serious issue and relates to reduction in ADH levels in the body with age. Usually this causes the body to spare less water (hence higher chances of dehydration in the body as you age). You can take a pituitary supplement (likely needs to be prescribed by a doctor) to improve ADH levels. It isn’t a big deal as older people are usually forced to wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom due to lower ADH levels. That said, if you want to have higher quality long-term sleep you’re better off with a pituitary supplement to reduce the probability of this occurring.
Small Note on Stress Reduction: If you’ve done well financially, we’ve noticed that most rich people have insufferable amounts of insecurities. We’re not sure why this is but we’d guess it is primarily due to their upbringing (lots of upper middle class people were born into rich families – not a surprise). So if you’d like to reduce your stress levels an easy way to do it is by getting rid of your ego.
We’re sure many of the people reading this believe this website is about big egos which is fine. The stress is the part that is concerning. It doesn’t matter if you have a BMW or a Lambo, there is always going to be someone else out there with more. So simply enjoy your life and don’t lever up to create more stress. While you “could” make a bigger return, it isn’t worth the risk once you’re rich. If someone attempts to drag you into the “BSD contest” simply say “you’re better than me at everything I agree” and they’ll fall apart on the spot.