Disclaimer: This article is direct and offensive to people unwilling to acknowledge the stereotypes in the world we live in. Instead of complaining about them we’re offering solutions. If you find a stigma we missed, we’ll attempt to find another player who breaks the mold… which of course is the goal in becoming more interesting and successful.
For some reason the topic is taboo here in the US. This is likely due to the College system where we learn about things such as the preference of “whitening up”, racial triangulation and the different mortgage rates given based on similar financial profiles (race adjusted). Of course all of these classes are taught by women or she-males who complain for a living.
So with that said, the bigger problem is all of these complainer majors (ethnic studies, sociology, insert ___ studies here) do not provide any solutions to improving your life. Instead, these “forward thinking” majors cause more anger between one another as people attempt to credit and discredit each other based on “privilege” or lack of “privilege”.
To all of these people… good luck… winners don’t have time for this because they are busy adapting to their environment.
With that said below is a no non-sense look at the stereotypes presented to each ethnicity and more importantly, below the diagram is what you can do about it.
If forced to choose the yellow cells highlight the first stereotype you should tackle.
The Basics:
White: As you’ve been taught in college you’re “privileged”… Unfortunately life does not give handouts and you’re going to be forced to deal with insecure lash-outs in college and beyond as people degrade many if not all of your accomplishments. Strong game or social competence would suggest that you agree with them on paper or in upfront confrontational situations, this involves a high amount of control to be told over and over “you achieved this because of XYZ privilege”. It would be wise to re-frame situations at all times when confronted with a positive attitude, don’t worry the amount of BS you’ll receive from women remains. Finally, don’t forget that you would benefit from dance skills, the last thing you want to be is the “stiff white guy” in a club.
Black: Here you’re looking at a couple of positive and negative contributions, one being that you’ll have a positive sex stigma (“large dick” stereotype) which is offset by a negative money stigma (poor and dangerous). In this case you can benefit dramatically by increasing the amount of money/safety you exude. In fact one of our writers wears fake glasses and dresses in a high end suit to be perceived as more intelligent at the office and in meetings. It works. Assuming you’ve obtained an Americanized accent you’re going to avoid slipping into the foreign camp so you should use this to your benefit in the corporate ladder game.
Middle Eastern: This is a relatively neutral category excluding the un-American piece so your focus here will reside in continued increase in game, money and working on your tone of voice to prevent yourself from being seen as a foreigner. Additionally, Asian/Middle Eastern men tend to have smaller frames than most so you’ll benefit much more from the weight room than your counterparts. It may take years to increase and develop but you can see substantial gains over time.
Latin: This is another blurry category as there are stereotypes surrounding a sex-symbol Latin guy combined with the immigration issue in the US. So if you want the most bang for your buck, you’re going to increase income, neutralize your voice and learn to dance quickly. You’re neutralizing your immigration standpoint by having a career and then focus intensely on giving off the sex-symbol Latin guy vibe which is best done with dancing abilities.
Asian/Indian: In this category you’re looking to quickly neutralize the insecure portion, accent and cheap issues that you’re being stereotyped with (“small dick” stereotype as well). The first and most important aspect is to destroy your insecurity stereotype by using self depreciating humor with a sly grin. Most people in this category (another generalization) will turn to anger, which will not work as it will be misinterpreted as insecure. You can use that when you’re in a short-term relationship. The next skill you’ll learn is to neutralize your foreign stigma by working on your tone of voice to slowly blend into the crowd.
Notable Takeaways: Eventually, when you’re in this long-term, you’ll naturally neutralize all the negative stereotypes and will not need to use specific types of humor etc. for most however, the above is a good starting point. For a smart reader, your goal is to capitalize on the positive stereotypes and neutralize your negative ones, relative to your environment. We encourage maxing out your looks… with that said you can read between the lines and realize a “light/weak” stereotype is going to benefit more from an attractive body (sexual) while a “poor” stereotype will benefit from an increase in well fitted threads (well off).
Focusing on Work: As always, the basics of work apply across the board which leads us to the following statement “perception is reality”. With that in mind you’re going to slightly adjust your work focus onto your negative work stigmas to create a better perception. In short we encourage the following.
• White: Show up earlier than most
• Black: Dress much sharper than most
• Middle Eastern: Show up earlier than most, focus on relationships
• Latin: Dress sharper than most and show up earlier
• Asian/Indian: Zero in on salesmanship and co-worker relationships, “socially adapted”
Focusing on Venues: It gets much more difficult here as your city, vibe, venues to choose from and income will determine many of your decisions. However, when you choose venues you’re going to focus in on the positive stereotypes you can exude relative to the venue. Here are the basics.
• High-end: Full suit for everyone, no excuses (if you are in your low to mid 20′s don’t bother)
• Dance Venue: Fitted t-shirts leaving the slacks at home
• Hipster Dive Bars: Fitted clothing, leaving both slacks and collars at home
• Yoga Sessions: Hot yoga, you’re in shape, an excuse to take off your shirt
• Grocery Stores: Whole foods only, in gym gear or dressed to impress
As noted here it is based on ethnicity.
• High-end: (Everyone with money)
• Dance Venue: (Everyone who can dance)
• Hipster Dive Bars: (Everyone who can give a welcoming vibe)
• Yoga Sessions: (Everyone who is in shape)
• Grocery Stores: (Everyone who is in shape and dresses sharp)
Whoops, guess you realized that every venue is open because you’re already tailoring your life to each venue. Don’t get us wrong, you’re likely better off starting in a dance venue/yoga studio compared to a high end club, but don’t be fooled into thinking you can’t pull from any of these venues. Again, take a step back and quickly ask yourself “which negative or positive stereotypes are being amplified in this environment?”, adapt and pull.
Conclusion: While there are certainly places where your style won’t be accepted, this is the case for every single ethnicity on earth, so it’s time to stop making excuses and find a spot where you can be the man of the hour. The time you spend complaining about how it is tough for XYZ ethnicity to win at life is wasted time. You may as well get into a little ball and cry in the corner of your room with a Kleenex in your hand. Instead, acknowledge the stereotypes and break them down one by one over time, suddenly you’re one of the guys who doesn’t fit into the mold anymore… you’re now part of the solution. Or you can go back to watching TV, hating on specific groups and contributing to the problem by providing zero solutions for every man out there. It’s up to you.
PS: For you Wall Street guys, or people looking to break in… We don’t care one bit about diversity, so don’t bring that up during the interview process. The only thing we care about is direct results, hopefully you’re seeing a trend here. (Unfortunately we actually read all those ethnic studies books, disgusting waste of time)