One glaring omission from the previous post on Wall Street Myths was the topic of drugs. It deserves a full post. Over under says you’ll do them. Instead of wasting time debating about drugs, here’s the breakdown so you can choose as you wish.
Party Favors
Cocaine: This is the real winner here in terms of a drug that can help you get what you want, attractive girls and enough energy to stay awake. As mentioned previously, the first 2 years in finance are the worst so this is usually when you’ll be dabbling more in cocaine.
Pro’s: Girls who do coke are generally thinner, crazier and easier to sleep with. The oversight on cocaine is much lower than crack even though it is the same drug and carries a much lower sentence if you’re busted for possession (don’t worry no one “saves” coke like they do with weed). It is also easy to come by. Finally, your boss will not care remember that first day on the job “Now I’m not telling you not to do drugs just don’t let it take over your life”. Understood.
Con’s: Expensive, $60 for a gram, $200 for an 8-ball for quality when you first get into the “scene”. In addition, it is much more likely you will become addicted to this drug versus other narcotics such as weed, mushrooms, or extacy. Supposedly, over the long-term it can damage your ability to have sex.
Extacy: This is likely the runner up, girls who go to raves are certainly crazy and you can easily stay up all night partying when you drop for the first time. The latest and greatest running around are mollies and don’t believe these are healthier for you it’s all the same.
Pro’s: It is cheap. Raves, massives in particular, are chock full of girls who are ready to have sex. Some of these places are so large you’re bound to do well, just check out Ultra Music Festival in Florida. You will feel extremely happy and will be “in the zone” all night so even a guy with weak game will feel like he is king of the world.
Con’s: Long-term effects are quite harsh and it is tough to keep up a meaningful life-style running in these crowds. With that said it is not a smart drug to run more than in a rare once or twice a year situation.
Weed/Shrooms:Lumping these two drugs into the same group is not really fair but may as well keep it simple. Girls in these groups are usually more free-spirited and “in touch with themselves”. So as such, no bump in terms of attractiveness.
Pro’s: Cheap and weed is even legal with a card in places like California.
Con’s: Can have a bad trip on shrooms.
Heroine, Methamphetamines, Acid, Crack, Painkillers: Just avoid them, cost benefit analysis weighs heavily on the negative side.
Mental Stimulants
Adderall: A great drug for concentration and staying awake simply running a half pill of an XR-30 will give you a large increase in production.
Pro’s: Also very easy access. Simply walk into any top law school.
Con’s: The impact of the drug wanes over time, so like any other drug its good to know when to pull the trigger and use it and when to simply rough it and go clean. The negative long-term impact is reliance.
Provigil: A blog we follow has a good video on this and overall it comes in second behind adderall in terms of effectiveness for increasing mental capacity. Long-term impacts are not determined. Also the impact is not immediate like XR-30′s it is rather mild in comparison.
Pro’s: Easy access and relatively cheap if you want to try it out for a month or two.
Con’s: Already noted, tough to see the long-term impact.
Ativan: This one is a must if you want to really excel in Wall Street or have a job that requires red-eye flights. Simply using a couple of these during major awful business trips such as coast to coast meetings twice in a week will make your life much more pleasant. This one does not even deserve a pro/con situation because it is cheap, is relatively harmless on your body and will make you perform much better in meetings and keep that positive vibe flowing. “Who flies drug free nowadays? I bet even the pilot runs them”
Steroids: The negatives on steroids are pretty outlandish, simply put if you want to run a cycle one day to gain muscle weight go for it. Much like all other drugs the chances of dying on first use if done properly are practically nothing. Just don’t run heavy steroids all the time, run them incorrectly and expect to remain healthy long-term. A few friends have run steroids while at work and it does not turn you into an ape smashing computer screens and breaking mice (any higher than average) because your excel sheet just crashed on you.
Pro’s: Keeps your testosterone levels at high rates or normal rates if you are a much older man. Can see muscle gains that you keep.
Con’s: Can certainly damage your liver or sexual functions.
As a final note illegal substances for sports should pretty much be legalized in our view, in an ideal world only pro-sports should be 100% clean but it is quite easy to obtain drugs nowadays so may as well have everything run properly so less people get hurt trying to run drugs to compete with guys who are … Already running drugs.
Conclusion: With a gun to your head the ones you want to keep around that will help you the most in terms of work performance and sex life are cocaine, ativan and adderall. Alcohol and caffiene are likely going to be used in moderation as well. The real point, is to get results from the drugs you decide to dabble in. So be efficient and don’t use adderall to party, crack to get girls and a triple espresso to crash out on your red-eye flight.