This is becoming the go to excuse these days. “I don’t have time”. If you’re a millionaire with a serious franchise, constantly flying to meetings and juggling a possible family this is viable. If you’re under the age of thirty this is just nonsense for most people.
The truth is this… When people tell you they don’t have time the truth is, they are wasting time.
They don’t have time for job searches and updating their resume but they have time for talking about getting new jobs
They don’t have time to work out or invest but they have time to watch people work out playing various sports and memorize their statistics
They don’t have time to go out and spit game to improve their sex life but they have time to watch people have sex through the security of the internet
They don’t have time to update a blog on a weekly basis but they have time to edit photos on Instagram and load up frequent posts on their Facebook profile which makes them $0
They don’t have the money to fix their diet but they do have the money to eat a $10 lunch everyday when this is substantially more expensive than a homemade juice and a meal
Instead of reverting to “I don’t have the time” how about you ask “Am I wasting time?” If a single worthwhile proposition comes into your life, you should make time. Since this site is about getting laid and getting paid lets look at some common examples.
Getting Laid:
If you work insane hours maybe you are also on Wall Street and have to rely on nightlife to provide the vast majority of your sex life. Or maybe you are new to going out and attempting to pull new girls and simply need the alcohol induced environment to get the juices flowing. How can you spend that time efficiently? Before you even bother entering a bar/lounge/club ask yourself if it is even worth attending. Go through the checklist.
1) Is there free seating? If not you’re damaging your chances
2) Are the drinks strong? If it’s a pretentious watered down venue you’re likely SOL
3) Is there a dance floor? If not it will be tougher to deal with any conversational lull
4) Is it close by? If you can’t take a quick taxi there, it’s a bad fit
5) What is the competition like? Stack odds against yourself once you have a harem
Lets look at a couple of real life examples:
Notice in the diagram, “where is the flow in the lounge”, if you’re spinning your wheels fiddling around the center of the bar in the high traffic area or posting up next to the seating and next to the dance floor you are wasting time. Be honest with yourself. You’re not going out to bars and clubs to have a few drinks you’re going out to pull so your actions better match your intentions. If you wanted to simply have a few drinks you can do that in your apartment or at a house party with friends. Slide into the heavy flow of traffic but face towards the crowd holding your drink to your side, open with innocuous questions to people who pass your way and you’ll yield significantly higher results.
Now take a look at the club environment, for people who go out a lot you can already tell where the worst spot is: the small dance floor or “VIP”. If you’re a “Very Important Person” and you’re youngish, no one thinks you’re an important person. Unless you came with a group of people and are running social group dynamics (or you are in Vegas and need seating) this is “No Man’s land”, no man is going into the VIP and pulling out one of the girls without encountering severe obstacles. More likely than not someone within the social circle is going to block you and even worse, you’re much too visible in the smaller floor relative to the large dance floor, all else equal she’ll be much more hesitant with her “friends” judging her.
Unlike a lounge, you’re unlikely going to be sitting up and chatting people as they walk by, however if you’re going to get drinks and or walk around you want to choose the high flow areas, follow the green lines. Finally, the last reason why the spot closer to the exit works is you can always make up an excuse to “chat outside for a second because the music is too loud” this is an abused line for the club scene and works extremely well.
Getting Paid
Politics: Are you correctly playing your political cards to work the least amount of time for the most pay, if not you’re wasting time. Maybe you really like two of your colleagues but unfortunately these guys do not determine work flow, your bonus or your workload. Play the game. Get the layer of staffing and direct correlation to your bonus to love your positive demeanor and error free work. Become genuinely interested in their lives make the connection and solidify yourself as this persons “ideal hire”. Continue to chat with your regular colleagues that you enjoy but remember to always remain as slightly more “intense” about work so they don’t believe you’re getting less work than them. Don’t worry you will be receiving less work.
Entertainment: Are you engaging in costly activities that don’t help you improve your life? Watching TV? Browsing Internet forums where the vast majority of people are undoubtedly broke, liars or worse both? A successful man does everything in life with a purpose. It might feel good to watch a 2 hour comedy but this is no where near as useful as improving your humor with live practice on people.
What does saving money on entertainment have to do with getting paid? Well now you have 2-3 hours a day or more to chase girls or money. It sounds “extreme” to cut these activities out but the problem is they really add nothing to your future. Until you’re successful it is simply a waste of your time.
Investing: Are you spending money in lump sums on vast extravagant experiences? Practically everyone makes this mistake at some time in their life and you should pull the trigger on quitting the cycle as soon as possible. If you have time for vacations you have time to invest. If you have time to memorize sports stats you sure have time to memorize yields, spreads and other financial metrics to at least understand the bare-bones of investing. Unlike your friends, you’ll understand a three statement model.
Conclusion: All of this should snowball for you and snowball quickly. You need to start early. Not “want” to start, this is an emergency. Wasting time is one of the four things that you absolutely cannot afford to do.