When you are young or even old, you’re told a bunch of lies. Lets fix this.
1. Money Buys Happiness: It does. You only hear about the wealthy people who get sucked into lifestyle inflation and locked down in multiple divorces. The rest? Couldn’t be happier. Once you realize that money can save your life through advancements in medical procedures and that is buys you time and freedom you will never waste a penny again. That useless car or iPhone isn’t why money buys you happiness it is the freedom and long-term health benefits.
Stress free, cortisol decreases, testosterone increases, healthier food, a better sex life, more time. No contest. Don’t believe the lies you’re being told.
2. Your Family Doesn’t Matter: The harsh truth. Most people have poor fathers and mothers due to our defunct society. A friend of ours over at D&P has a similar life experience, our brothers are complete and utter losers. Why should you be forced to spend time with someone who is a net loss on your life? In fact I’d say my dad dying in front of my eyes was probably the best thing that happened to me. He was an alcoholic with nothing positive to say and no longer had the opportunity to give me his useless negative and pessimistic life advice. His favorite coffee mug said “Life’s a B**** and then you die”, yeah that’s true if you can’t control your own mindset. You’re a quitter and you deserve to fail.
If your family is bringing you up and helping you grow, then hold on to them tight, for most this is simply not true. Your family is a time suck. You can’t choose your family, but you can certainly choose how they influence you. You don’t need to completely axe people, they did raise you, but there is certainly no obligation to do as they wish throughout your entire life. If they are just dragging you down, cut the cord, this leads to point 3.
3. Don’t Give Handouts to the Poor: Another crazy idea is that you should spend time doing volunteer work giving hand outs to those less fortunate than you. This is complete garbage. If you never learn to work for anything you’re going to rely solely on the hand that feeds you, never leaving your comfort zone and never standing up for yourself. If you want to help someone less fortunate teach him a task that will help him grow as a person, do not simply give him a few dollars from your pocket. Back when I was living in a car I asked many repair guys how to fix watches. After I learned, I simply fixed watches for rich people. Yeah I got insulted and made fun of for having a total of 4 outfits to wear 7 days a week but by month six I had enough money for a new wardrobe. I never bought it. Notably, my clients never insulted my outfit as they respected my desire to earn my worth. My tattered t-shirts likely got me more business since their kids were spoiled brats spending daddy’s money on Spring Break trips having sex with scum bags or striking out with 5′s and 6′s drinking AMFs to the dome.
4. Education Isn’t Always the Answer: By the time you graduate college you have been grilled into believing that 17 PHDs is how you make money. Not true. You ever notice these professors are also typically jaded and unhappy? You make money by adding value to someone’s life not by reciting poetry from the 1800’s or memorizing a bunch of algorithms. If you can help people become better in anything from athletics to making money to getting women you will be well off in the future. I promise. Besides, education today is nothing more than regurgitating the opinion of some old guy or girl onto a 10 page document, double spaced with no hints of disagreement.
5. Get Rich by Helping People. For some reason everyone believes that Wall Street people steal for a living or that they should get ahead by backstabbing people left and right to move up one rung on the corporate ladder. You will lose. You make real money by constantly helping and improving the lives of people, particularly wealthy people (this is similar to point 3). Wealthy people have limited time to waste, they spend time jetting around trying to fit three 30 minute meetings into an hour. So if you can help well off individuals, they will be more than happy to give you a nice paycheck. If you’re a billionaire an hour of your time is worth many thousands of dollars, so if you can save him an hour? You’ll be doing just fine.