Today was a good day.
We learned of a quick article that labeled our website as the douchest finance blog of the year. We couldn’t be prouder. Think about it like this, the more haters you have the better you’re doing and in addition who doesn’t want to be a D-Bag? Seriously lets take a look.
Don’t Be a D-Bag… Why? According to average people being a D-bag is a bad thing. Maybe they are dead wrong and are just a bunch of losers? Lets take a glance at the photo below, would you want to be a D-Bag?
Lets see there is a good 5:1 cute chick to D-bag ratio. Or we can be an average guy, marry a 6 who gains 100 lbs in a year post marriage and then watch her pop out a few more average babies (walking million dollar liabilities). Disgusting. If being a D-bag means you get to party on the beach with cute girls, get ripped and make some money… color us stupid but sign us up today. We’ll be D-bags.
Haters: One guy sent us an email asking us “why we respond to haters”. Here’s the deal… having haters may be good for you. Off the top of our heads the following people have a lot of haters Lebron James (rich), Tiger Woods (rich) and the Jersey Shore (rich). It is a better use of your time to engage a hater than to help your own family.
Why? At least a hater is going to bring us web traffic. Hopefully we get more haters and they all become popular and continue to hate on us. If someone hates what we are doing then we hope they are happy with their lives, a hater is actually helping us grow while your friendzszs and family drag you down. With that said, we are under the impression that the tumblr blog is run by an Indian woman, hope this is you and if so bring on the heat, we couldn’t care less.
Wall Street Playboys Theme: Get paid get laid. That is all. If you are a man and your objectives are different from this theme please leave our blog and enjoy being average. You don’t see average men with cute girls you see cute girls with… D-bags. It is certainly much harder to be above average so what’s the point just quit.