A few emails have come in asking how men can meet a useful girl to help wing for them. The truth is there is no difference in the approach to picking up a girl and getting a new helpful wing woman. In fact it goes down in the exact same fashion, as an example here is how we met:
Walking around downtown shopping (dressed well and hungover), a skinny girl came by and asked for a light. This was an obvious green light to start hitting on her. After chit chatting, venue changing to grabbing drinks, we proceed to get drunk. Fast forward 3 hours and she’s in my place and I fail at my attempt to close her out. Not giving up on the situation we go ahead and use some choice drugs.
We head out to a club where I attempt again to get things going only to see another cute girl and completely change directions to picking up the new girl (bad move and a rookie mistake). Several drinks later (more party favors) and I’ve taken the new girl back to my place only to realize my future Wing Woman’s purse is on my couch. Cockblocked myself. The girl storms out grabbing a cab and WallStPlaygirl comes back only to grab her stuff and leave. At this point she realizes I’m a D-bag however, I invite her out to dance anyway and give her some useful life advice for nabbing better looking guys. It works. Suddenly I now have a solid 7 to go out and game with, another win win situation.
The moral of the story? Always Be Closing (ABC). At least if you fail she’ll have some respect for you and you can make a good friend out of it.
With the intro out of the way here are all the benefits of having a strong wing woman:
1. You make more stuff up. If you peg the girl you’re hitting on as someone who likes European men, well you can say you just got back from Spain, of course she’ll immediately turn to your friend who will now back you up.
2. You test outfits. Girls have good fashion sense, now you can try a few outfits here and there and see her reactions to them. Assuming she wants you to be successful you’ll get comments that you can use to build a better wardrobe.
3. You derail cockblockers. As you know most women go out with some awkward aspie cockblocker hanging around them so if the girl is cute she can easily entertain the guy who has not gotten laid since the smart phone era.
4. You obtain immediate positive attention. Assuming your wing woman is cute, simply dancing with her and having a good time will immediately make you the center of attention in a positive way. The chances of being blown out on your first few approaches becomes minimal.
5. You get drinks faster. Notably, you should be well known at the places you go to. However, if you go to new venues having a cute girl with you immediately brings you up to the front of the queue.
Now that we’ve gone over the benefits here are the downsides:
1. They may believe you are dating. The best way to avoid this is to simply split up frequently, if you end up drunkenly making out at the venue you’ve now ruined your chances at that spot so keep it to dancing and split up often.
2. You should pay for drinks. Being a D-bag is fine, but being broke is not, you should be willing and able to cover her entrance/drinks since the long-term investment is worth it.
That is the jist of having a wing woman, the downsides are minimal and every man should obtain a strong wing woman at some point in his life. If you get bored and want to see awful game go ahead and follow her on twitter: @WallStPlaygirl