If there is any skill that you should learn it is the ability to control your emotions and the emotions of others. The degree to which you can accomplish this task will improve both your game and future financial prospects.
Investing Control: We already wrote about dollar cost averaging, however most investors lose money in the market over the long-term as they tend to sell when they see their portfolio decline, particularly if the magnitude is large. Psychologically, it is much more difficult to take a loss relative to an emotional high following a gain. With that in mind you should train yourself to invest consistently, this skill alone is going to net you hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Dating Women: If you’re upset when your girlfriend dumps you or if you get turned down during a regular approach, your emotional control is weak. If you have emotional reactions to a woman’s evaluation of you, this means she has hand in the relationship. This is counterintuitive to successful business men who continuously prioritize and service relationships. Simply put, if you care about a woman’s opinion of you as a man, you’ve already lost.
As a quick check for people who are just now learning the nature of women, a seasoned player will never place his hands in his pockets after a failed approach and instead will happily move on to the next one. Body language is a dead giveaway here and the surrounding women will notice as well.
Emotional Persuasion: Any time a person attempts to persuade you regarding a purchase or action based on emotions, you should run.You will notice this is a heavy tactic for convincing someone to get married or to sign up for a get rich quick scheme, diet pill or muscle building formula. Once you realize that both of these actions only have emotional arguments you will quickly remove the blinders. Look for the following characteristics to avoid these emotionally charged decisions: 1) arguments for love, 2) descriptive language that paints a picture or story, 3) no basis of logic, 4) easy or relaxing and 5) time constraints. If you can consistently look for one of the five flaws listed here your emotional control will increase as you won’t be sold a lie. Avoiding pitfalls is just as important as making gains.
Fear is Paralyzing: Fear is the most common medium used to sell sketchy products. “Aren’t you afraid of dying alone”, “Aren’t you afraid of missing this opportunity of a life time”, “Aren’t you afraid of what XYZ person will think”. This is the hardest emotion to control but once you have it by the throat, the world will open up to you. The only thing you should be afraid of is living your life on someone else’s terms. Living a life you’ve been told to live is not a life worth living.
Emotional Control is Self Improvement: There is not a single man or woman in the world that has complete control over their emotions. You will catch yourself slipping from time to time, however you need to make emotional control a major theme in your life. Allowing your emotions to drive actions will lead to poor decision making as you will act based on how you feel at the moment. Instead you need to continuously strive to act on situations based on their long-term return. Disregard temporary pain and suffering.
With all of these comments in mind, we strongly suggest you check own emotional IQ. The sooner you can improve your IQ, the faster you will succeed in life