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The Only Thing More Important Than Money

The only valid complaint, long-term that is, about working in finance is this. The hours are balls. Most people can barely survive a week without potato chips, chocolate and other bad products, however lack of sleep is a legit long-term health concern. If you have $10M in the bank and are a Big Swinging Dick Portfolio Manager? Who cares if you can’t get it up.With that said here are some great ideas for making sure you keep your health in check.

  • Stress. There is a lot to complain about in the world… if you’re a pussy. Spend less time complaining and more time managing what you can control. You’re not going to get long into every print or short with a book and be correct 100% of the time. When you leave the office and you are in the gym (every day of course) you’ll leave those thoughts at the office. When you go out to pull you focus on living “in the present”. I have never met a man who complains all day that I would enjoy being around with… in fact the boys tend to ask the wrong questions every time. 
  • Food. Cars are amazing and your body is your car. A Ferrari does not run with diesel fuel like beat up trucks. Ferraris run on premium. Hell, if possible try to get 100% conversion to great foods. Take some ideas from here. Going all in on your diet is never a bad idea. We want to look 30 for as long as possible.
  • Sleep. This is going to be the biggest culprit. You’ll have days where you just can’t make it out, when you crush 16 hours in a row you may break the everyday rule for the gym, however, if you can get 6 hours of sleep go for it. When you cross this threshold (example 7 hours to spare) spend 30 minutes at the gym and get to bed just in time to get 6 hours. If you eat extremely healthy 6 hours is good enough to rough it without massive losses to your frame and fit body, you’re a Ferrari remember?
  • Alcohol. Don’t get me wrong when you drink its fine to drink heavy. Vodka, Tequilla, Rum… Who cares. Point is when you do drink, have a purpose. Are you drinking at home while watching the latest movie/episode of a shitty sitcom for women? You’re wasting your time. When you drink be surrounded by potential sexual partners, business partners etc.
    If you’re going to take a step back, make sure that step back has a possible return profile.
  • Relaxation. People say hippies/Zen/Other mind body soul exercises are for “boys”. As usual, ignore these boys and cut out at least 20 minutes a couple of times a month to simply relax. Shut off all thoughts and you’ll become a bit happier with what you currently have.

Conclusion: While health is the number one priority, and stress is the number one culprit we have one last question. If money is not your top priority what the fuck is? Go get it.