Guest Blog Post: Controlling Your Habits
This is a guest blog post from a frequent commenter under the user name “recent graduate” he may change his name in the future...
New York vs. San Francisco. Landslide for New York City.
For fun we had a twitter back and forth with our friend Sam who claims that San Francisco is far and away better than New...
Donald Trump Brand: Part 2
Before starting we’ll again state that we were not first to predict the rise of Trump, Scott Adams and our good friend Mike Cernovich...
Office Politics… It Only Gets Worse
We wrote a quick view of office politics at the entry level and it only gets worse. Once you’re able to distinguish who “matters”...
The Life.
Most people won’t make it. In fact, most won’t even come close and will fail at achieving every single one of the “Big Three”:...
Follow Your Skills Not Your Dreams
We tested a similar post title in a tweet “Follow the $$$ Not Your Dreams”. In short, following your dreams is usually a sure...
New Year Book Reviews
In our post, just a few short days ago, we suggested that readers pick up a book. This is the best alternative compared to...
Bold Prediction: President Donald J. Trump
Lets frame this up. First, we are not the original predictors, Scott Adams (Dilbert Cartoonist) and Mike Cernovich (personal friend) were the original people to make...
How to Have a Killer New Years Eve
Most people are amped up heading into the New Year. If you’ve been running full speed ahead all year, you likely had 2-4 days...
2015 Review and 2016 Outlook
2015 is coming to an end. It has been the best year in history to make money. The best year in history to be...