Investment Banking Compensation 2015
We are updating compensation numbers for 2015. Excluded from this overview is investment banking analysts as the variability has decreased. Simply put an investment...
The Brutal Truth About Friends
Everyone is trying to show the good side of their life. On Instagram people will take hundreds of photos in the exact same location...
What is Rich?
While we no longer answer questions on this blog we continue to receive this one over and over again. We’ll go ahead and answer...
Simple Examples of Thinking Differently.
There is nothing wrong with thinking like the masses in a survival situation. In reality, most people follow the herd because it is a...
Highlights from Twitter and Additional Details
We’ve received many requests for elongated explanations of some tweets so this won’t take us long. Below is a quick review of the top...
Random Musings and a Stream of Consciousness
***As noted in our Start Here section we are no longer answering any questions, only during sporadic Q&A’s for subscribers and once every quarter...
How to Play Dumb
***As noted in our Start Here section we are no longer answering any questions, only during sporadic Q&A’s for subscribers and once every quarter...
Guest Post: Game and Business Intersections
***We have not had time to post and do not think the issue will be solved near term. That said, frequent commenter *RE Guy*...
What is a Regular Person?
Cutting straight to the point, a regular person is someone who should not bother reading this blog. They should immediately close the browser and...
Things to Know for Your Thirties
We have gotten a lot of requests for a post on “rules for your thirties”. Unfortunately? There is no value in a post like...