Analysis Paralysis: Damaging Your Net Worth and Future
We’ve been writing too much. The blog grew far too quickly and we’re receiving low quality questions that are being deleted at lightning speeds....
Is Making Money Psychological?
While our more popular posts have detailed analytical explanations on how to increase income… this post is going to take on the qualitative side of...
$1 Million, 10 Years, Zero Excuses
We’ve gotten some mail regarding our requirement for posting here. Which is a $1M+ net worth and at least 5 years of front office...
Overview of Leveraged Finance
We have not done an overview in quite some time and needed a post specific to Wall Street. This will elaborate a bit on our...
Personal Finance and Dating
Four ways to attract girls: 1) looks, 2) social skills – “game”, 3) relative status and 4) money. That breaks it down quite well....
What Type of Intelligence Do You Have?
We have already beaten it into everyone’s heads. The only way to get *wealthy* is to start a Company. The only way to become...
It’s All About Taking Losses
While most people focus on hitting financial benchmarks, increasing the quality of their friends and moving up in the game of life… to do...
Application of Logic to Improve Your Life
In our post on how to obtain consistent happiness we tried to touch on “how to think”. This is a broad topic and we...
Uncovering the Truth
This post will hit on a lot of hard truths. Our most popular post has been destroyed with emotional comments from regular people so...
Best Real Estate Investment? Buy the Building.
We didn’t want to write the post. But. We’re tired of comments from poor people & losers so we’re going to do another “high-end”...