Choosing the Right Bank
After reading numerous job boards, networking and asking other financiers about what banks to join two things are realized. One, it is impossible to...
Are You a Player or Pick up Artist
Don’t even know where to begin on this one, but the answer is no. Do we enjoy being single? Yes. Do we believe in...
Surviving Work Hungover
Luckily most financiers have survived the day entirely hungover/drunk, weekday birthday party outings ensure you wont be in top shape the next morning. As...
Dating Personalities on the Street
For those who have read some of the previous articles, one point we try to make is to maintain a livable social life if...
Research – The Best Day
After a week or two of earnings dependent on your coverage universe once the buy-side calls have been answered things typically start to slow...
Research – The Worst Day
Typically in research a non-earnings day is fairly predictable with news flow, some client requests, phone calls and working on longer Primers/Initiations/Themes notes. However,...
The Research Interview – Round Two
During the second round of interviews you should expect to meet the group/analyst that you’ll primarily be working with. Realistically, this is the final...
The Research Interview – Round One
Simply put, getting an interview is hard enough as it is so we believe it is best to avoid the most common pitfalls sooner...
Wall Street Rookie Mistakes – Perception is Always Reality
So you’ve broken into the Street and are dealing with early morning phone calls, earnings reviews and everything else you expected to sign up...
Preparing for Your Wall Street Job
Before starting our careers on the Street we had a lot of mis-perceptions of what exactly it was that we would be doing all...