After launching our first and (extremely likely) last book we saw an interesting trend. Multiple people who said our work was terrible, useless and “BS” all did exactly what was expected… They bought it. Surely a few will slam it as being fake (we know it isn’t), a few will steal and try to emulate it (won’t work never does) and the remaining will simply read it and obtain the full value. Overall, we hope the vast majority who dislike our work will do the third part (simply take the info and make money from it). Why? Well some people just won’t like you and there is no reason to wish any problems on them. They’ll ignore you if you ignore them. This bring us to the topic of the day: following hate.
The Main Points
The general rule is to find what someone hates and you’ll get to the truth. If someone dislikes a person for having a lot of money? They are likely broke. If they hate someone for having a beautiful wife/girlfriend? They struggle at dating. If they believe they deserve something for nothing? They likely lived a privileged life where everything was historically given to them. If you follow the hate… you’ll find exactly what is going on with the person on the inside. You know what we’re going to say next. We’re thrilled to say this website is hated.
Unfortunate Consequence of Hate: The unfortunate consequence of people with insecurity in any area of life… Is they will never fix their underlying issues. You’d be surprised to see the number of people in their 40s/50s with deep insecurity issues in certain areas (not well rounded). This could be dating, money, attention… anything. Essentially, they miss out on an enormous section of life and go through till the bitter end thinking that is “how life is” because it would kill their ego to know it wasn’t so.
Use it to Your Advantage: With the two unfortunate parts out of the way, you know exactly what we’re going to say… “Take advantage of this”. If you know a person struggles in topic A your best course of action is to agree with their struggles in topic A. You’re not going to win any points by telling him how to fix his situation. Why? Well everyone is a genius in every topic (make this an assumption every time you meet a new person).
This adjustment is quite difficult to make. The typical gut reaction is to say “oh I know this well let me help you” (assuming you do). By doing this the other person will feel even more insecure and dislike you immediately. You’re better off doing the smile, nod and agree approach. You can then quickly change the subject to something more amicable and potentially change the interaction into something positive. If they specifically ask you for advice, then you can absolutely give it to them… Otherwise you’ve wasted your own time and started a new interaction off on the wrong foot.
Interesting Psychological Issues
With the main points out of the way we think it makes sense to highlight a lot of underlying psychological issues you’ll find. Who knows if we get them all correct but we’ll go ahead and try to highlight several we’ve seen.
Do This With Your Money: Generally speaking, you shouldn’t tell anyone what to do with their hard earned money. Unless people are going to you for the idea (website, book, financial advisory service, etc.) it just doesn’t make sense. The problem? People do this all the time! The most common example? Poor people telling rich people how to spend their money. It does not make any sense at all. If someone is rich they can do whatever they want with their cash. Now, when you see someone you know constantly “explaining” how they would do something totally different with their money… All you’ve learned is that they don’t have as much as the person they are criticizing. That’s the real tell.
You Must Have Had XXX Issue in the Past: This is another clean tell. When someone makes an assumption about your past and makes it a negative, it means they can’t believe your current actions in that particular topic. For example, if you do well in the dating department a common criticism will be “oh someone must have really done a number on you in the past”. Another example, if you buy a fast car/expensive watch etc. “oh you must be very insecure and have a napoleon complex”. As you can see, the attempt to stereotype someone is a way to protect their ego. If you harbor no resentment and simply like buying an expensive watch… They can’t understand that because it breaks down everything they believe (see rich people are evil).
Passive Aggressive Behavior: This is the most common as you go up the ranks financially. People will attempt to denigrate you with passive aggressive comments incessantly. The best part about the interaction is they are highlighting how insecure they are on the inside. They don’t have the guts to say what they actually think which emphasizes how insecure they actually are. If someone has nothing to lose, they don’t need to resort to passive aggressive behavior because… well… they have nothing to lose. Never trust a passive aggressive person, you’re dealing with a snake so tread carefully. They have an innate need to boost their own egos and if you take their ego down even one notch, you’ll be on their radar forever.
Once You See the Truth….
Once you see the truth you cannot un-see it. That is one of the best and worst things. It is the best thing for you long-term and will likely be a painful experience once you learn a new fact. Why is this an important concept? Well you’ll have to become critical of the things you dislike. Do you actually dislike a specific person, activity or group or is it a reflection of something you lack on the inside. Once you’ve already learned the harsh truths you’ll find that you no longer dislike the vast majority of people! As we’ve stated numerous times in the past, if someone can change your emotions… you’ve already lost because it means you value their opinion. If you really didn’t care you’d ignore it.
Seeing the Truth: For those that have already read Efficiency, you can see many ugly truths come out page after page after page… (after page). We’ve been taught lies on the following topics: fitness, diet, education, internet income and more. It takes a lot of work to swallow the truth and we have no doubt that it isn’t a “fun read”. That said… Once you see it and begin to act on it, you realize it’s an enormous competitive advantage. You’re busy doing the exact opposite of what everyone else is doing. They think you are “extreme” and you’re simply getting all the results. You go to sleep with a big smile on your face.
The process is clear, you learn a new truth and absolutely dislike every person who steered you in the wrong direction (Hello Humanities Professors and the Supplement Industry!). Once you learn the truth however, your income goes up, your spending becomes more efficient and you get to practice the “smile and nod” approach until it becomes second nature.
Quick Conclusion
If your beliefs are largely in-line with what the masses have taught you… it would be wise to add that on the list of ideas to challenge. Go into the weeds and see if it is really true (don’t read about it, act on multiple different opinions from the media to people viewed as extreme). What you’ll find is that the small less heard voices are typically the ones leading the way. No one gets ahead by doing what everyone else is doing.