We’ve received many requests for elongated explanations of some tweets so this won’t take us long. Below is a quick review of the top 10 tweets so far this year by numerous “twitter metrics”. We’ll go ahead and explain the comment in more detail below and provide a link to the content as well.
1) “People don’t understand. Money is not for a fancy car or home. It’s to be free. To say f*** you, I don’t need this… And mean it.”
While average intelligence people will read this blog and immediately assume it is about bottle service and fancy cars… It’s not. While there is nothing wrong with either of them, people simply don’t deserve high end lifestyles or a fancy car if they *have* to work for a living. Once you’re able to say “F-You” to anyone who tries to *limit your freedom* then you can do whatever you like with your money and time. Most people who reach a high net worth find a lot of value in working with other successful people. But. The decision to work with other people is entirely in your hands.
The main takeaway is simple. Until you don’t have to do a thing. Literally. To pay for rent, food, utilities, clothing and a couple thousand dollars for fun… You do not deserve a fancy car. Once you’ve made it to this point, feel free to buy that private island in Thailand with your extra money.
2) “Losers: “Omg everyone inherits wealth” Winner: “No, look at a list of billionaires/millionaires *most* are self made” Loser: “Privilege!””
As you become more and more successful you will find the following trends: 1) people will claim you were born rich, 2) people will claim you got lucky and 3) people will claim you somehow used other people to get to where you are today. These are the three most common excuses for pathetic mediocre people who will never even make $150K/year (something you can make out of college at 21 years old).
The cold reality is this. Most people who become rich were not born rich. For those that don’t believe this, simply do the research (but “naw thats too much work man!” – another common excuse for mediocre people).
As soon as someone makes a comment that is akin to any of the three mentioned above, delete their number. They are of no use to you.
3) “7 deadly sins for a recent college grad (male): 1) consumer debt 2) kids 3) wife 4) mortgage 5) dead end friends 6) obesity 7) job you hate”
While we’ve moved away from talking about life advice for people in their twenties if you avoid the seven items above there is practically no way you will be below average. The average is extremely easy to beat and all you have to do is avoid the major pitfalls.
Most success advice or “life coaching” advice is about “becoming all you can be!!!”. The reality? by simply avoiding major mistakes you’re going to be much further ahead than all of the motivational kool-aid drinkers.
4) “Hating something implies it impacts your emotions. Have hate for no one. Let useless people drown in their own stupidity, misery & pessimism”
Hate is an overblown word. The best way to describe most people you dislike is this: “immaterial”. If you really hate someone or are triggered by them… Then they usually have a point. If on the other hand, they can yell in your face and you sit still emotionless… Then you really don’t care about them.
In general, most people are not worth talking to if you’re on large platforms (such as the internet) so simply give them the benefit of the doubt near-term and once you realize they have no value… Put them on ignore. This is similar to caller ID blocking on your iPhone, by the time you’re in your 30s… you will have at least 100 phone numbers blocked and sent straight to voice mail.
Don’t bother arguing with them, just ignore and move on. They will fail on their own.
5) “Hard work = number of problems solved; Idiotic belief of hard work = number of hours worked”
We have a separate tweet that helps explain this quote. If “hard work” is all that it takes to get rich then iPhone factory workers would be multi-billionaires. Instead? They are broke.
We have talked about hard work for three years on this blog and we stupidly didn’t realize people were misinterpreting the phrase. Hard work is *not* hours works. In fact hard work is 100% unrelated to “labor” and is tied to mental exhaustion instead.
Here is the definition of hard work when we talk about it: “Solve a Problem”.
Every second you spend digging a hole with a shovel while your competitors employ a construction crew with dump trucks is an embarrassing waste of time.
The more problems you solve the more *skills* you have by definition. Think about any field and the skills that people demand are always related to a problem they have. Find a way to efficiently solve problems.
6) “Politically correct people are always p******. Scared they might offend the losers in life who are upset by “tone” and the truth.”
Don’t need much explanation here. The vast majority of people care more about how you say something than what you actually said. This is sales 101 and a complete and utter joke to those with more than five brain cells.
When interacting with people, you have to conform to “feelings” and the “tone” of your message if you want to make money. There is no going around this. If you attempt to sell a product based entirely on facts you are going to lose every single time. The only person who will purchase based on the facts is an intelligent man/woman. That encompasses 5% or less of the entire human population.
Recognize that the “masses” is the best market in the world, so you need to sell them feelings to make money. Don’t forget it. Offend them in any way and they won’t pay.
Pro-tip: Never tell someone they are responsible for their current station in life. Place the blame on something else “out of their control” so they *feel* better about their previous decisions.
7) “Remember, if you apologize you are admitting you are wrong. Never apologize if it is simply a matter of “feelings” from the truth.”
Never, never, never apologize if you are correct. This goes for every single segment of your life. If you are correct, then there is no point in apologizing for any of your actions.
That said, this does not mean *never* apologize. If you are factually wrong then state that you were wrong. State it bluntly and never make the same mistake again.
If you apologize when you are correct you are telling the person or entity that they have more power over your life. The intelligent people who read this blog will be financially set by the time they are 30 which means that no apologies should ever be given unless factually incorrect.
Note: To people who are not financially set, you are *forced* to conform a bit. If you only have $200K in the bank, it is not worth it to ruffle the feathers of a multi-millionaire you dislike and you’re better off pretending to agree with all of their opinions. This is not a contradiction since you’re maximizing your own life by avoiding conflict to get ahead. You want to be *free* which is the first step to living your real life.
8) “Talk to two people: Attractive girls and people who can help you make money. The rest are just wasting your time leeching”
This one is directed at older readers. By the time you’re financially set you’re going to have a small group of friends who are also in the same general ball park. Beyond that, you’re not going to want to waste your time with “value subtract” people.
Does this mean you only talk to people who are better than you? No.
If someone is young and has potential you may want to hire them. Keep in contact.
If someone is older and can generate business for you in the future. Keep in contact.
If someone is able to help you get into clubs and bars… Delete his number.
So on and so forth.
9) “Step one to success is not caring about the opinions of regular people. You’ll be so far ahead by simply avoiding their influence”
Honestly, spend fifteen minutes and look around.
Do you want the lives of the people you spend your time with? If not then you have to overhaul your contact list immediately.
If regular people had anything intelligent to say they wouldn’t be regular in the first place.
“That is so mean!” … Okay but is it true? If regular people that you *don’t* admire are all telling you to follow a specific life map then it is probably best to throw that map into the garbage.
In fact, you can use unsuccessful people as a litmus test. If you have an extreme idea that is financially profitable for you then ask a regular person if it makes sense. Naturally, they will shoot it down which means… it’s a brilliant idea.
When idiots disagree with you, you’ve got another positive proof point.
10) “Life cancers: 1) negative people, 2) a selfish family, 3) career you hate, 4) media consumption, 5) search for a quick fix. You’ll be ruined”
All five of these items are self explanatory and will ruin your trajectory over the long-term.
1) Negative people and complainers usually aren’t succeeding in anything… otherwise why would they spend their time complaining?
2) A supportive family is great. A selfish one is just going to drag you down.
3) Doing something you hate will create an unhealthy amount of cynicism over the long-term.
4) The media is targeted at the masses (remove the M in the last word for further explanation).
5) Nothing is fixed quickly. When you are young you’re a jetski and you can change directions quickly. Hopefully, you make the right *long-term* decisions as you turn into a sail boat going in the correct general direction. By the time you’re 40 you’re a tanker ship with the course practically decided, ideally towards that private island in Thailand.
As a side note, tweet of the year for 2015 goes to our friend Mike Cernovich hands down for this one:
“How to stop #cyberviolence: 1. Change notifications to “people you follow.” ; 2. Don’t name search yourself; 3. Have your 13th birthday”
Laughed out loud from this one. While other countries suffer from violence and starvation, the USA suffers from mean words on a screen.