It has been a bit tense around here (after killing all of our haters in two simple posts!)… so lets lighten the mood.
Most information out there just isn’t good enough. It is too vague and offers the same cookie cutter advice. This post is going to take an extremely deep look into the nuances of Latinas. If you believe that literally all women across all cultures are *exactly* the same… Well… you haven’t traveled much.
Here is the outline:
1) Useful Items and Skills – the Basics
2) Nitty Gritty Based on Your Skills and Look
3) Interesting Traits
4) Adjustments to Make to Your Crib
5) Fun Facts to Use On Your Dates
6) The Downside
1) Useful Items and Skills – the Basics
Before we add direct value with *actionable advice* we need to comb over the basics (all actionable of course). Most people won’t even get through the basics so you’ll be far ahead of your peers before you even land in Mexico City, Santo Domingo, Medellin, Rio or otherwise. Lets begin:
Language: You need to obtain conversational Spanish or Portuguese. This will take you roughly one year. If you fail to do this, you’re going to settle for mediocrity (not something we approve of). There is no point in showing up. If you’re going to go without learning anything… Then your best bet is Rio de Janeiro. In Rio de Janeiro many people will speak fluent English and have an interest in foreigners. The second best city for someone who speaks no Spanish is Mexico City. Tinder is extremely popular there and you can get by with Google Translate if you have the right look. Again.. Tinder and showing up in Rio with no language skills are both things we would never approve of , but if your thirsty friend wants to tag along…
Logistics: This applies to any girl. We’re only putting it in here because you need to do your due diligence on the city. Make sure you stay within a 5-10 minute cab ride of all your date locations. You should have a list of clubs and bars that have been vetted by friends who have been there in the past. Finally, if you’re looking to break into the higher tiers, you’re going to need a nice place. As stated in the past, attractive women have options and your hostel is not going to attract anything worth bragging about (unless you look like a model or some such insane circumstance).
They Play Dumb: Latin women play dumb. This is why many people complain about their “flakiness”. The real defining feature of a Latina is that she knows you’re hitting on her from hello. This is also why direct game works better. Use indirect game and she’ll assume you’re a little kid.
Remember, they will do everything in their power to remain happy, bubbly and girly (at least the good ones do). Make no mistake. They are playing dumb. If you want to avoid the flakiness (you won’t) your best bet is to obtain solid and strong eye contact. Unlike other women, Latin girls tend to show lots of interest by holding long eye contact with you (this is across all countries).
Salsa: This is not a necessity but it will help (Brasil is excluded, they dance forro/samba, both of which are unnecessary). If you’re going to the Dominican Republic work on your Bachata (Aventura, Prince Royce). If you’re going to Colombia work on your Cumbia (Joe Arroyo). If you’re going to Mexico work on your Mambo (Tito Rodriguez). Learn to dance “on one”. If you already know how to dance on one, on two and on three… No need to learn anymore.
In short, if you’re looking to gain an edge you should have *decent* salsa skills. Naturally, speaking the language is a much more needed skill. Finally, once you’re competent at dancing you do the opposite… You lie down. Your friends who are also good at salsa are going to talk a big game and tell everyone that they are great at dancing. Do the opposite. Explain that you’re just a “beginner”. Then you can show off your intermediate skills and impress. Besides, if you talk a big game… there are literally millions of better salsa dancers in Latin America. Don’t bother competing in that category. You’ll get crushed.
Heightened Sense of Smell: Couldn’t come up with a better tagline. Oh well. You should definitely invest in a solid cologne. Go to a store with 2-3 different girls and ask their opinions on the colognes. They don’t need to be girls you’re dating just bring a few girls you know as acquaintances. If you don’t have any friends at all… Then go with something basic like Georgio Armani. Colognes and perfumes are extremely popular in Latin America and they will notice.
Do not ask the girl who works at the store. She just wants to make a sale and doesn’t care about your sex life.
WhatsApp: Download it. We have said it before. You need this application for international communication.
Concluding Remarks: This is the bare-bones framework for doing well with Latin girls. This is also where most advice ends. If speaking the language at a basic level, knowing basic dance moves and having a good cologne is too much work… You shouldn’t even book your flight. Stay at home. Go back to watching useless motivational videos and motivational text.
2) Nitty Gritty Details Based on Your Skills and Look
Before we begin… Some comments in here are going to give advice based on your race and look. Somewhat controversial. That said, we have *zero* respect for racist people. They always end up embarrassing themselves because they are insecure idiots.
This section is called Nitty Gritty for a reason. Some cultures have biases based on specific looks and you can utilize this based on your personality.
You decide to take your first trip. Unlike other people you have set the date a full year in advance.
You spend one year learning both the language and the basic dancing skills (congrats you’re ahead of 99.5% of the pack).
We only have experience with the following countries: Mexico, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela (Venezuela has serious issues at this point so it will be left out). We apologize in advance if we missed the country you’re going to but we don’t type about stuff we don’t know (you guys know this already).
In order of ease: Dominican Republic, Peru, Mexico City, Rio, Medellin, Buenos Aires
Facial attractiveness: Argentina, Medellin, Mexico City, Rio, Dominican Republic, Peru
Body type attractiveness: Rio, Argentina, Medellin, Domincan Republic, Mexico City, Peru
Feel free to make small adjustments to the order above. But. Anyone who has been to all six is going to understand the order. Facial attractiveness is not really debatable, as it is based on the symmetry of the face. Body type, however, will vary.
If you’re into extremely petite girls… Rio would drop down the list and if you absolutely hate thinner bodies then Argentina and Medellin would drop down as well. Finally, just like everything else in life, the more attractive the women the harder it is to do well in that city. Not rocket science.
To get top tier girls, you need to be a top tier guy (in their eyes).
Now onto the more controversial stuff…
Where you should go based on…
Ethnicity: White – Brasil/Peru/Mexico, Black – Mexico/Dominican Republic, Asian – Brasil/Peru, Indian – Dominican Republic/Brasil
If You’re Rich: Argentina, Colombia, Mexico City
If You’re on a Budget: Peru, Dominican Republic, Brazil
If You’re in Incredible Shape: Brasil, Peru, Some Cities in Mexico
If You’re an Extremely Sharp Dresser: Mexico – you will get face controlled or dress code controlled rapidly if you do not know how to dress sharp at the top venues
If you’re 100% Fluent in the Language: Colombia, Argentina, Mexico
Now that we’ve given you the actionable steps and the destinations here is the overview and why it is set up this way.
Basic Destination Overview:
Brasil: Generally speaking, you’re not expected to know much Portuguese. So if you only have one year to prepare, it ends up being a great destination for anyone across multiple ethnicities.
Why? The major cities have had a lot of international influence so there is less racism. In many parts of Latin America, your skin color does matter and anyone who says otherwise is simply a liar and has never travelled there. That or they are socially inept and cannot tell how people are treated differently. We’re here to give the truth.
Cliff Notes: 1) lower expectation of language abilities in major cities – more so outside of Rio and Sao Paulo, 2) being in shape is practically a necessity, 3) lots of exposure to many cultures, 4) expensive destination these days, 5) extremely friendly relative to other countries, a great place for a newbie
Peru: This place has a negative stigma against an Indian look or a darker skinned person. Hence why it drops off the list for black guys and Indian guys. In addition, Peru has had an Asian president so the stigma against Asian men in Peru is much lighter than other areas in Latin America. To reiterate, not trying to start a pissing battle just telling it how it is. The attractiveness of the women isn’t that great but they are much more interested in foreigners relative to the other countries.
Cliff Notes: 1) basic Spanish will do fine, 2) girls are extremely receptive to foreigners, 3) downside is this is one of the least attractive of the 6 countries mentioned, 4) can take advantage of the beach, 5) this is the most racist of the 6 countries against people with an Indian type look or darker skin
Mexico: Specifically, Mexico city, has a lot of international influence. For one reason or another black guys tend to do extremely well here. Broken record. Not trying to race bait just telling you the reality and how to capitalize upon it. If you go to smaller towns you’re playing roulette but Mexico city is a great destination for practically anyone given how large the population is… If you can’t find a few girls who are interested in you (city of 10 million people) the problem is in the mirror.
Cliff Notes: 1) Huge city gives huge advantages if you play the numbers game, 2) tinder is extremely popular but of course… it is unnecessary, 3) Nightlife is extremely fruitful, 4) parks are great for meeting girls during the day, 5) lots of museums and art if you’re into that.
Colombia: Relative to the three countries above, Spanish is pretty much a must. Unless you’ve got a lot going on for you… you’re going to need *beyond* 1 year of basic Spanish to do well. Unless you want to go and hook up with 5s in hostels. In addition, of the countries mentioned here, money is extremely important. You’re going to be paying for cab rides, strong logistics etc. It matters.
Cliff Notes: 1) more than 1 year of Spanish is a *necessity*, 2) need to have your wits about you and night game is practically a waste of time, 3) women will be receptive during the day, you’ll deal with flakiness, 4) better for longer term stays, 5) much more attractive probably #2 of the six… Not good for beginners
Argentina: Social class is king here. While many will say Colombian women are notorious and shifty gold diggers… Money is practically a necessity in Argentina. It will help you immensely. There is a great stigma in both Argentina and Colombia based on “class”.
Cliff Notes: 1) the most attractive overall, 2) not smart to come here for short durations, 3) class matters more than skin tone, ie: make that money!, 4) dancing will help a lot particularly if your Spanish isn’t great, 5) similar to Colombia, strong Spanish is practically a necessity
Dominican Republic: This has a lot of similar characteristics as Peru. The difference is the skin tone and music choice. Bachata will help you here and you’ll experience much lower levels of outright racism. Don’t worry. Just like all other Latin countries they’ll try to find a way to scam you for your money! Ha.
Cliff Notes: 1) one of the easier countries but lower on the attractiveness scale, 2) not expensive so it competes with Brasil as a good starter destination, 3) Bachata will help you quite a bit, 4) being in shape helps quite a bit but still ranks below Brasil if you’re extremely fit, 5) no problem for a short trip, you can see the vast majority of the city in a couple of weeks due to the size
Concluding Remarks: For those that are unable to read between the lines, the clear choices for beginner countries are Mexico, the DR, Brasil and Peru. Leaving Colombia and Argentina for those with more money, Spanish skills and connections. In addition, we’ve given you a basic outline that you can use based on what your ethnicity is and how in shape you are. Now it’s time to move onto more detailed and actionable information.
3) Interesting Traits
Unlike other countries in Latin America, it is frowned upon to be a weak man. In short, it is okay to be masculine. Hence the proliferation of “machismo” personalities across various cultures. If you would describe yourself as a hipster… you’re best off avoiding Latin America in general. All else equal, you will get paved.
Responsive to Story Telling Not Sarcasm: Latin culture is not okay with sarcasm. It is a waste. You should also avoid all sarcastic women (all sarcastic women are horrifying to be around). Your best bet to create a connection is through a fun story involving something dangerous. If you don’t have 5-10 interesting/somewhat dangerous stories then your life has been quite dull.
Only Sexual After Sex: There is no point in bringing up sex during any conversation. Unless of course you’ve already had sex. She already knows you are hitting on her (see the beginners guide on all Latin girls “playing dumb”).
Generally speaking, after sex they are going to be perfectly fine walking around topless in your place. They do not play “games” anymore and once they have committed to having sex with you… you’re in the clear. Finally, for some reason they prefer to be taken from the back and will even request this. If you think that sentence is odd… don’t believe us. Ask someone you know who has slept with a lot of Latin girls. Their eyes will light up as they say “hmm that’s oddly true”.
One last odd sexual trait. They have a strange habit of going to sleep with their bra “on”. When they are really tired and about to sleep… they’ll take it off and throw it to the side. Get used to it.
They are Claustrophobic – Spanish Speaking *only*: They do not like tight spaces. One defining characteristic of Latin America is that the nicer areas are all extremely wide and tall. Unnecessarily so. Take a look at a bathroom in Latin America and you’ll find large oval or circular sinks. The clubs are also extremely large and if you are the type to get sloppy drunk and knock into people… You’ll be kicked out quickly.
Notably, this claustrophobia is applicable primarily to Spanish speaking Latinas.
**This does not apply to Brasil** In Brasil they will frequently touch you and expect a kiss extremely quickly.
First and Last or Move On: This applies quite a bit to all women. But. If you want to *decrease* the chances of a flake, the interested ones will give you both her first and last name when you grab her number. The uninterested ones, or less likely ones, only hand out a first name. You can use this to quickly get rid of junk numbers… or roll the dice. Up to you.
Happy to Admit Money Matters: Once the gloves are off, Latin girls are happy to admit they do like money. Unlike other groups, they understand that money does help get girls and they will respect men with money. They don’t care how you made it (hence the laundry list of attractive women who date drug dealers).
Given this trait, the status/wealth effect is magnified. Nice cars, nice location and nice clothes are necessary for every single girl worth dating. That said, it is magnified 2x when dealing with Latin girls.
Concluding Remarks: Some of these apply to all women (no woman is going to dislike a man because he has money for example). But the remainder are odd quirks applicable to Latin girls. Now lets move on to adjustments to your home.
4) Adjustments to Make to Your Crib
After the previous traits you’re probably wondering… How do I use this information to my advantage! Of course you’ve come to the right blog.
Bathroom Upgrade: If you’re specifically looking to gain a small edge… Invest in your bathroom. Latin girls will go through your stuff. Seriously, they will. Every Latin girl has later admitted to going through the medicine cabinet etc. Just to see “what’s in there”.
Your bathroom should be much nicer if you are specifically interested in Latin girls. It means the following: adding girly soap, some air freshener, upgrading the sink to one of the annoyingly large sinks and perhaps putting a small amount of drugs in the cabinet (wink wink… sort of… depending on the girl you nabbed). It is up to you to utilize the knowledge that she will absolutely go through your entire medicine cabinet.
Food and Drinks: Go with the likely candidates. Most Latin girls like spicy food, citrous foods or seafood. Those three are your best candidates. You may catch a few who don’t like any of those but we’ll bet that 90% will love those three items. In addition, for drinks they generally do not get “white girl wasted” they are much more careful and smart about what they consume so you should have a good mix at your place.
Here are some specific ideas: 1) flaming hot cheetos – if you’re a college guy, 2) fish/shrimp tacos – small sized of course, 3) mango juice for margaritas – mangoes are particularly common in Mexico, 4) the young girls tend to like jack and coke (no idea why) or moscato and 5) champagne, practically everyone likes this so it is a good last second idea.
If you have all five of those items on hand… you’re good to go.
Music: As mentioned above… You’re going to know basic dance moves. You will have a basic understanding of Latin music. Now the key part… What type of Latin music should you play and what type of Latin music should you avoid? Again… You’ve come to the right place.
Practically any song from Romeo Santos is going to be in the “okay” zone (always double check). He is well known enough for you to have knowledge of him and not *too niche* that people will think you are crazy/overly eccentric.
That was a simple example. You can go ahead and try to stick to something from Marc Anthony, but he is almost *too well known* so it won’t be clear that you have some interest in Latin culture. On the flip side here is an example of going too far.
You’ve gone too far. Abort mission.
It was painful to even post this video! The song is too cheesy. Too much of a romantic backdrop. Not really surprising as Prince Royce is a younger singer. This song would be equivalent to playing Justin Bieber in your place… Not a good idea!
We’ve given you two clear examples: one good choice and one terrible one. The rest is your call. Look up the lyrics and listen to the tone and you should be able to read between the lines. It is an art not a science. But. We’ve handed you clear examples.
Concluding Remarks: If you have normal to good game, your apartment/home/crib is already set up with the necessary items. So we’ve simply added three tweaks to make if you’re specifically looking to date Latin girls.
5) Fun Facts to Use On Your Dates
Lets say you run out of material. Here are some basic things to bring up in your conversations, depending on who you’re talking to.
– Talk about how gangs use Banda music to communicate assassinations (it is true, this is a Mexico comment)
– Talk about different styles of dance by region (Colombia – cumbia, mexico – mambo, DR – bachata etc.)
– Talk about how all Latin people seem to defend their countries to death! Joke about how all Brasilians believe Brasil is the best place in the world and all other South American countries suck. This is a general trend in all of Latin culture.
– Joke about their favorite alcohol being garbage. This is a slippery slope because they love their country but deep down they know that aguardiente (Colombia), Mezcal (Mexico) <– these two in particular; Caipirinha (Brasil), Presidente’s (DR) are wayyyy over the top.
– Make specific cultural observations: square napkins in mexico (shows you’re willing to eat at some of the sketchy food carts), clavos in Colombia (sketchy cab drivers), extremely touchy behavior of brasilian girls, wine obsession in Argentina etc.
Concluding Remarks: Nothing too crazy in here but you can utilize all of those talking points if you get into a rut. Or lead the conversation to basic items like this to get the flow of the conversation going into lighthearted territory.
6) The Downside
What sounds too good to be true… Usually is! Latin girls also have a few qualities that are going to drive you nuts so you should be aware. In particular:
1) Disorganized / Written Communication Issues: Could just be a personal thing, but it’s tough to communicate via text with Latin girls. Best to call. Expect a lot of emojis.
2) Consistently Late: Add 45 minutes to all activities in your brain. This is applicable to all women but more so Latin girls. Just assume she’ll be 30 minutes late at minimum and again… expect flakes!
3) Extremely Jealous: If you’re out at night and she says “sure go have fun talk to whoever you like” then sees you talking to an attractive girl… she’s going to get mad. It was just a test. It is always a test. She will even send attractive girls your way to “test you” and see what you do. If you’re there with a girl, don’t fall for these tricks. If she is really just a friend, then of course go for it.
4) Extremely Aggressive Ex-boyfriends: This is not for the girls. If you are dating a Latin girl and she has an ex-boyfriend who gets jealous… he is literally going to go after you. They have no sense of regular fighting and will go full blown crazy.
None of the four items above are meant to deter you. Just be aware of them.
There you have it. Actionable steps, nuances and some “controversial” advice.
Why are we giving this away for free? Simple. Practically no one is going to put in the work.
In addition? Once you have enough connections you’ll find an “in” to many groups. The world is a large place. If you have strong game, a large stack of money and maximized your looks… You’re always going to do well. So there is no reason to worry about increasing competition.
Finally. If you end up making a good amount of money, having solid game and are able to do well in every country… We’re more likely to be friends that competitors.
That’s how the world works. Everything flows to the top. Get to the top.
Good luck and soon enough this will be your new theme song.
Since we all know Latin girls have the best bodies in the world…