You walk into a bar or a club. No one notices you.
You walk around drunk in the middle of the day. No one bothers to stop you.
You lose your job. No one searches for a new position for you.
You lose a family member. The most you’ll get is the obligatory “I’m so sorry to hear that”.
You get into a car accident. In a few days you’re that guy who got hurt last week. Last week turns into last year and you’re forgotten.
What is the point? The point is no one can help you as much as you can. There are no hand outs in life and you should lose the belief that anyone should care about you in the first place. Why should anyone care about your life if it doesn’t positively impact theirs? They shouldn’t. It is your job to become a real friend to people you meet from hello. Maybe your mom and dad told you you’re special. Unfortunately mom and dad are dead wrong.
Once you realize that no one cares who you are or what you do, you’ll take responsibility for your own life and actions. If you want to date supermodels you better be the man that supermodels would want to date. Supermodels don’t date frustrated losers. No. They date successful magnetic men with unbreakable confidence and a positive mindset.
Instead of asking how you can get someone to help you achieve greatness, ask how you can help others achieve greatness. You are only as good as the weakest link you’re able to bring up from the gutter. That is a positive, magnetic and sustainable trait for your entire life.
How many lives can you positively improve today… at this very moment? That is how many people should care about you.