Attempt at Valuing Time Over 2 Decades and Q&A Announcement

There is no real way to quantify the value of time so we’re going to attempt it right here. As we’ve stated many times...

List of Items to Be Aware of For Your 30s

Haven’t done a list post in ages. Also took a hiatus the last two weeks to organize for next steps. Luckily, we’re back at...

Updated Travel, Lifestyle Ideas and Q&A Announcement

This post is inspired by twitter friend, Steveonomics. The funniest thing about his twitter handle is he “disliked this website” back in 2015 or...

The Future of America: Two Economies and More

This is a long overdue post. It will tie in a lot of stuff from the rise of socialism to the impact of brands...

Hoaxed Movie Review

Putting the bias up front we know Mike so naturally have a positive bias towards the movie (you can watch it here). The interesting...

Dressing Sharp: Ignore What People Say, Go By The Results

Once in a while we have to cut out the frugal people who accidentally come here and believe we’re in the same group (not...

Getting to $10M+ is Inevitable.. $100M? Need Help.

After writing on this blog for years, the one concept that seems to separate the rich from the middle class is the concept of...

How To Make Money Online Starting Today.

One of the biggest excuses when trying to make online is saying “They don’t know where to start”. While we gave out all of...

Guest Post: Ed Latimore’s Financial Journey

I’m gonna clear the air on something right away: I grew up as poor as you can in America. I was intermittently on welfare...

A Basic Post on Minimum Leverage and Several Announcements

When it comes to leverage there appears to be two camps: no leverage and a ton of leverage. This is simplifying things, but if...