Efficient Market Hypothesis Does Not Make Logical Sense

We are going to take an extremely complicated subject and attempt to make it understandable to anyone. We will fail miserably at this given...

The Greatest Time in History to Be Alive

Lets look back a mere 40 years. In 1977, we didn’t even have the internet. We didn’t have electric cars. We didn’t have “low...

Creating Luck

According to the dictionary, luck is “Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions” and the more popular definition...

Is Starting a Company the Least Risky Option to Get Rich?

For many people, getting a million or two is enough. In that case, it may not be the least risky option to get “rich”...

How to Use Big Gains vs. Small Gains. Make the Big Moves Early.

There are a million posts on the difference between being young and old it really boils down to a shift in recovery time along...

Watch the Company Man Give Away His Life

John and Adam walk into their cubicles for the first day of work: “Welcome to Company X! We pride ourselves in client service, diversity,...

The Five Stages Of Earning Income

Many people get stuck in a specific stage in life and never seem to make it out. The problem is typically due to cash...

Maximizing Retirement Accounts and Why They Will Be Meaningless to You

Retirement accounts are largely a scam. They are set up to make you feel richer than you are and create a false sense of...

The Secret for Success in Life: Being Wrong Early

If you’ve already made it in life we will wager that you’ve made a ton of mistakes *and* you made all of those mistakes...

Total Cash Flow or Total Net Worth? How to Maximize Them.

If you forced us to decide we would choose the highest cash flow at this point in our lives. Trying to maximize net worth...