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Resume Template

After reviewing the basics, lets see how everyone did. To keep this short lets go over the main ideas.

1) No template is perfect, you simply need to make it break into a few sections 1. Name Address, 2. Jobs and Titles, 3. School, 4. Interests

2) You want to show you can use MSFT word, this template screams competence (small caps, large caps, bold, italics, alligns) it can be simplified if necessary

3) As you move up the ranks your specifics become less important as your workload is large, you make sweeping accomplishments

4) At the low end you’re proving you learned a lot, note this is the opposite of above where you’re “showing” you can make the firm money

5) Even your interests and schooling should be moved in order of finance relevance, Case competition in finance is more important than knowing C++

6) Your resume will be looked at with a magnifying glass… by 10+ people who want nothing more than to find a mistake to joke about

7) Feel free to add awards to job experience as well (Deal of the year, Institutional Investor, Ranked #X in your analyst/associate class, etc.)

8) This is tailored more to the sell-side since the buy-side is less likely to need help in the resume department

9) If you are a college student, education should be above work experience, for people currently in finance work experience goes above education

10) If you are on the fence about an interest veer on the side of leaving it off, particularly if it is not applicable to Wall Street