Home Blog Posts Roosh’s “Why Can’t I Use a Smiley Face”

Roosh’s “Why Can’t I Use a Smiley Face”

Over on RooshV.com is a Middle Eastern player/world traveler who has been in “the game” for about a decade now, before reviewing the book you can read his wiki overview here, or you can simply read the following main points to understand his personal life philosophy: 1) Men are meant for adventure, danger and polygamy, 2) Feminism is a long-term detriment to the happiness of both men and women, 3) Foreign Women are vastly superior to Anglo Women, 4) D.C and Toronto are horrendous cities and 5) You don’t deserve to get women without hard work. With that said, Roosh’s latest book “Why Can’t I Use a Smiley Face” is a short memoir on his latest trip back to the USA after spending an extensive amount of time in Eastern Europe where it looks like he may have found a quasi home. If you have not read his previous writings, this will be a bit over your head, so it is likely best to either catch up on his writings or the book should be purchased by someone who is fully outside of the weeds of the Matrix. If you are still thinking that you can find “the one” in America this is certainly not for you. If you’re in this group though, at $3 it’s certainly worth the read.

Here is a quick take of the positives and the negatives followed by a more in-depth look at our thoughts.

Positives: 1) It’s Entertaining For Those Outside Of The Matrix. You can see how incredibly direct and methodical he is and it shines even more when you see that he even psychoanalyzes posters on his forum. 2) He Stands His Ground.  Even in the face of a lot of shaming he is just as direct with people closer to him in his life as he is with a slew of obscure “Manosphere” writers. 3) He’s Disappointed. This may sound like a negative, however there is a short story in the book, related to the title, that shows the guy would love to see American culture recover. This is of course highly unlikely, but at least you can tell he still has some pride in where he has come from.

Negatives: 1) It’s Short. Overall it leaves the reader with a couple of key themes that have yet to be answered (see our take below), 2) He Is Searching. It’s clear, at least to a longer term reader, that he’s still looking for a new goal to devote the vast majority of his time towards… Chasing girls seems to be dull at this point now that women in Eastern Europe don’t make him work so hard for everything.

Some Bigger Themes for the Manosphere as a Whole:

Community: After reading the book there was a small section where the question of “Where is the Manosphere going?” was raised. This is an important question. Overall we believe the community is still not at a tipping point where people will go to bat for one another. There is still a lingering sense of distrust in the space. In addition, every single time a young man walks into the lecture hall for Sociology 101, be certain he is walking out slightly more emasculated. For better or worse, there are actually quite a lot of successful people writing in the Manosphere, the downside of that is all of them are busy guys, almost too busy to help breed a smarter generation. With that said, the Manosphere community is certainly a “new home” for many, where the truth is laid out even if it hurts.

Ex-Patriation: This is another dangerous and growing theme in the space. If all of the hardworking men who save their money and shoot for one night stands leave… Does that mean women become increasingly unhappy? Does this mean the American economy is simply going to lose good workers? Sadly it seems like that is the case. We talk a lot on here about making sure you age like wine and avoid conventional retirement and some people believe this is being “frugal” when in fact we’re simply asking you to be efficient with your time and money.

Independence: This last part stood out after closing the book. When you truly think about it feminism has nothing to do with independence. Men who are deep outside of the Matrix are living lives in office spaces lying to their co-workers about their beliefs even when they know they are in the right, we are lying about our names and jobs, we lie about our interest in having a “wife and kids” in the future. That is true forced independence. You don’t have a support group that will back you up financially like the government will if you fail. You are truly ostracized by the vast majority of people and must remain this way if you hope to escape the perils of the USA in the long-term. With that said, perhaps things will change faster in the USA than anyone expects, in the meantime keep shooting for those one night stands, keep girls on a tight rotation and find any way possible to stack your cash.