Instead of going through a description of the differences, it all comes down to the boy or man’s mindset. You can learn more about a person by the questions they ask compared to the answers they give.
I heard so and so got a job making $150K+ a year.
Is he happy with his life and his job? Who cares, this is an insecure reaction.
How did he upgrade to that job? Winner mindset, asking how to improve your own position in life
I heard so and so started drinking seaweed juice and improved his health dramatically.
What does it taste like? Stop being a pussy, if you want it to taste good go eat cookies and die faster
What other drinks are good for your body and why? Willing to drink battery acid if it works
I heard that so and so went to insert “dangerous” country.
Why would anyone make a dangerous and stupid decision like that? “Hi guys! I’m a pussy”
What city did he go to and why? Wants to know the truth about traveling to said “dangerous” country
I heard so and so gained 20 lbs of muscle over the last 2 years.
Do you think he is on steroids? Insecure again, assuming someone cheated to make himself feel better.
What kind of workouts did he do? Trying to pick up additional information to improve his body.
I heard so and so banged the hottest girl from XYZ event.
Do you think she’s just a slut? I can’t get a girl that’s hot so I’ll assume she was “easy” so I feel better.
How did he get her (curious tone)? Trying to improve his game so he doesn’t have to settle for uglies.
I heard so and so just got married.
Wow how did he get that sexy girl?! Proud of marriage.
Why did he make that terrible decision? Enough said.
Conclusion: The point is this, search out the correct answer and drag out information to help your life. If you’re making excuses for yourself then you need to grow up and become a man. Otherwise, you may be that lonely man married to a “sexy girl” who cheats on you with a guy who leaves her the very next day. Out played.