This post is for the guys who are ready to make the next jump. The guys who are ready to go from 6-7′s to 8+’s. We will force you to not care about any girl you come in contact with. Not a 9, not a “10″ not a “sweet heart girl next door”. No. You’re going to force yourself to believe that they are all the same. An intermediate player believes “Well if he has a 9 he must have strong ‘game’”. Wrong. That is an intermediate player mindset. The correct mindset is that they are all the same. A one is a five is a ten is a negative seven. Force yourself to make them all the same.
1. Go out day and night and you will hit on NOTHING but 8/9/10′s until you land a date.
2. At the date? Spit negative game.
Yes you read that right, spit the worst game possible. This sounds confusing to most but really in hindsight it will make sense. It is better to embed in your brain, correct game, than to leave even a speck of hope. If you are able to do this you are able to forever believe that there is a correct method to the “madness”. You have an unbreakable mindset now, everyone is the same. You must absolutely crush any shred of doubt that you know the answer.
1. Tell her how pretty she is.
2. Tell her how you’re looking to “settle down”.
3. Tell her how much you sit around watching sports.
4. Tell her how much of a “nice guy you are”
5. Tell her how you are going to go to a fancy restaurant.
6. Tell her everything that your average loser believes is a good catch.
7. Tell her so much that she truly believes you are needy and serious.
You end the date.
You leave and now instead of those 7′s seeming to be “attractive” you now realize it’s all the same.
Eventually, for the non-super attractive players out there. You must be willing to walk. You must be willing to say, “I have walked out on girls like you in the past” and she will feel that you are telling the truth. It is the truth you don’t care. Who gets more play, the guy who truly doesn’t care or the guy who “pretends he doesn’t care”. You know the answer.
The only “one” for you.. is the one night stand.
That is the difference between end-level high end game and intermediate game. You no longer see the surface. You see the meaning of the portrait. The facts. There is a saying: “You’re as valuable as your options.” If you’re willing to give up even an 8+… guess what… your options must be higher. You can do better.
Unfortunately? 99.999% of men cannot fathom mucking up a date with a “hot chick” on purpose. This is why, they will not last in the game, they will get roped.
We hope you see the point.