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The Life.

Most people won’t make it. In fact, most won’t even come close and will fail at achieving every single one of the “Big Three”: Money, Girls and Freedom. Most people will hit thirty and make one major mistake which will prevent them from ever reaching their potential. Mistakes include: 1) relying on someone else for income – not starting a business, 2) giving up your life by getting legally married – no logical reason to do so and 3) never making progress in their life to earn large sums of income remotely.

“The Life” – Version for Failures and Losers.

– Go to a mediocre college that doesn’t offer a high ROI on education. Make $60K a year.

– Try to become a regular at a dive bar to date many women (primarily 5s and 6s who have higher notch counts than the males in the bar)

– Start to see physical declines in their late twenties due to overdose on beer, shots and fast food

– The group of regular friends start to drop off like flies as they march down the path of castration (marriage)

– Become insecure and believe that it is time to settle down (early to mid-thirties at the latest)

– Get married, get one promotion to an “amazing” $100K/year

– Take life savings of $100K and buy a home now that they are married… she’ll get half in the 50% chance case they get divorced

– Hit 40 and begin planning for kids, retirement and eventual death at 65

– Have kids

– Curve ball. Get divorced

– Hit mid-life crisis and finally… die with nothing worthy enough to be written on a tombstone

“The Life” – Version for the Top 20% (more failures)

– Realize the system is rigged for failure, decide to work on health and looks

– Play the field and do quite well, after all they spent time on their looks, clothes and social skills

– Begin to see some gains around thirty, they didn’t bite the bullet and feel great about their accomplishments and even make $150K a year

– Their old buddies got married but they knew better so they continue the course for the next five to ten

– Forty is an ugly year, the girls they used to get aren’t interested in them anymore since they don’t seem to offer anything beyond their charisma and slowly fading looks

– Time to settle down and find a decent good woman

– Live a simple life with some income, a decent girl and a kid or two

– Die

The Life

It is all a game. You have spent time looking decades ahead into the future with a rolodex that spands 5 decades. One decade behind to make sure you’re on top of the new trends and a full four decades forward to find the issues you will eventually face. The blueprint isn’t pretty. But. You have a blueprint.


– You’re already in shape. You have real advice from real athletes not that big guy at the gym

– You’re sharp, you went to a top tier college as a back up plan to earn a few hundred grand a year in the near future in: Engineering, Wall Street or Sales

– Your notch count is lower than the 20%ers, your notch count is *higher* than the regulars. Why? You’re already starting a side business and don’t have as much time. You have *better* priorities.

Twenty Five

– The dividends are already coming in. There is no doubt you have a clear and obvious path towards $1M in liquid money by thirty

– While your friends spend three nights at the club every week, you’re spending one night at max since the other days are spent… at the bank

– You’re scratching at multiple 6 figures in income and a sold 20% or more of that income is not from taking orders working for someone who is owned by his wife or over the top mortgage


– It was all a bad dream

– You’re already financially free and you decide to quit your profession (or not depending on who is reading this) and you have stopped wasting your time with “dating”

– Your life is as direct as can be, just like a strong sales message you don’t beat around the bush and the girl either “gets it” or doesn’t

– Only upside from here since your finances will push you far away from the competition where they will protect their ego saying they were able to “once out pull a multi-millionaire” ignoring the other 10,000 times they will lose to him

– The fun has begun

The Traps

While this post is titled “The Life” to refer to the third section, the real meat of the post is surrounding the thousands of traps you will see once you’re happy and free.

If you have the big three: Money, Girls and Freedom… Almost no one will like you

Your only friends will be those that have the big three as well and the rest will try to weasel their way into your wallet. You will be saying the word “no” more than you breathe by the time you’re cruising along in your thirties.

Business Partner:  Never do business with a “friend”. You can help someone with a hobby but make no mistake there is a major difference between friend and business partner. They are one or the other. Once they jump the gap into the business partner section, the friendship dies forever.

Simple Definition: A friend is someone you never loan money to. It is given to them and never expected to be seen again. A business partner? The only thing that matters is how much money is being made (break every rule possible, just don’t break the law). Nothing matters but the black net income line.

Family: Even the top tier 1% winners in the world have a high chance of being owned down the line by someone else. It could mean being sucked into a marriage or it could be a terrible family member draining the bank account every single week as you’re trying to be a “good guy”. Both of these items are traps.

Simple Solution: You never tell anyone how much you really make. You lie down to your friends and to your family. If they are ever in need for something serious (family member reference) you show up with the money and never explain how it was obtained.

Dating: Expect a lot of hate. The most common jab you will receive is that “some woman must have done a number on you”. In reality, you’ll likely cause many women to cry and show up years later begging for a second chance. Don’t get emotional, it’s not your problem.

Simple Solution: Make basic comments about the “economics of dating” to people you meet to see if they are part of the winners circle. Most won’t be. Use this to build out a set of new friends and if they talk like regular people about their ability to “charm away the wives of millionaires” just throw the contact away as he’ll be another Joe Schmoe by 45.

Unnecessary Financial Risk: Even though you’re well positioned to take materially higher financial risk (no need to work ever again) you should avoid feeding the ego and always have $X million in boring investments (bonds, CDs etc) to cover *all* of your costs of living.

Simple Solution: Once you have $X million invested away at guaranteed returns to cover your cost of living you’re never allowed to touch the principal. This prevents you from ever dipping “into the red” even if you believe a new opportunity is phenomenal. It is never worth the *risk to return* profile.

Dead Weight Loss: Take the dead weight out of your life aggressively. Once you have the big three you should see a 50%+ reduction in the number of contacts you have. Your only goal at this point is building up your own business and freeing up more time as that is the only valuable asset to you at this level of success.

Simple Solution: Take a look at every single contact. Unless you have known them for 10+ years (an actual friend) then they are to be removed. The only exceptions will be: 1) young people you know will succeed and that you will help and 2) extremely successful people you believe won’t falter and will pass your 10 year rule test. The rest? Dead weight.


This post is short and to the point. We’ll be posting a longer form item on “high end” office politics and how to exit your career on Wall Street (now that we’re done). Our goal is to hide this into the archives over time as most people will not get it. We hope you do and see you soon… Living “The Life”.

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