It has recently come to mind that there are only a handful of ways to eliminate fear from your mind. 1) Continuous Failure, 2) Abundance, 3) Acts of desperation and 4) Honesty. There is no other solution to solving the traps you’ve placed in your mind.
1) Continuous Failure: This is likely the solution for most readers of this blog. You grew up middle or upper-middle class and have a structured thought process. That process is making you unsuccessful. You use a probability statement of sorts if I do X it will likely lead to Y. This is a great tactic for protection but much like everything else in life great rewards come from risk taking and low probability events. Instead of spending the vast majority of your time creating a map that will increase probability, why not fail until that probability becomes inevitable? Sure that 50/50 shot of making $50K a year or $75K a year is not that bad, but what if you had a 1/100 chance of making $10M in a year? Keep trying for that $10M while running probability on the rest of your simplistic life choices. Failure is good for you, we like to give medals, eProps and other accolades for simply completion. This is an egregious example of a poverty mindset, fail until you look in the mirror and realize, I’m not that smart now am I?
2) Abundance: It’s quite easy to join the 99% and berate the rich for their ability to continuously gain more wealth. Is it because of their opportunities or is it actually because of their lack of fear from abundance? Usually, the first belief is true in your mind, that is until you gain abundance. If you are worth a few million dollars or have many girls attempting to get you into a committed relationship are you really worried about your next rent check or that 8.5 who shot you down in your latest day game approach? You’re not. Fear has been dissipated from your mind due to abundance. Fearlessness is not only an attractive quality but also allows you to fail more, see point one. A cycle of success is inevitable.
3) Acts of Desperation: If you have nothing and need to find a way to make money, well it’s time to take action. In a dire situation most people will quit… resorting to violence. The rare few that make it out tend to become incredibly wealthy. This is seen from professional athletes to entrepreneurs. Real desperation is a rare situation as basic needs are often met by subsidies. You are forced to get out with creativity or suffer through continuous despair.
4) Honesty: This is yet another reason to delete your FakeBook account. The life you put up on your profile page is a sliver of your true thoughts, failures and triumphs (no worries you put every triumph on there including photos of your feet on the beach). You comb through photos making sure to tag the right ones (do I look good?!), you strategically craft messages to get as many “likes” and “thumbs up” as possible. This is making you a weaker human being. In the history of FakeBook there have been zero people who consistently post up photos of them getting shut down by women, losing their jobs, being unhappy at work. No instead it is a profile of your ideal life. No one’s life is ideal. See step one and admit to failure, you’ll no longer feel like a liar. This is healthy.
With that said it’s time to go out there and eliminate fear.