This post is likely most helpful for a newbie to the world of “seduction” or “game”. It has been alluded to in the past and it bears repeating, there is no such thing as “the one”. The one implies a single solution. When you have your heart broken or that girl doesn’t like you or so and so cheated on you it is because you believe that “one” person is the answer to your happiness. There is no such thing. If you believe a single item is going to make you happy you’re in for a horribly long life of pain and suffering. Lets start with the true answer to finding “the one”.
Weights: Instead of crying about something you can’t have when you have free time and are in a foul room lift heavy things. Lift hard. Lift until those pussy tears of sadness are tears of cold hard sweat, pain and blood. Then lift some more. Then one day you will walk into that weight room and for the first time someone says “Sir are you using this bench I don’t want to interrupt you”. Fast forward. Another year passes by and suddenly that girl you thought was “out of your league” eye fucks you. Hard. Maybe you don’t open her like an aggressive mother fucker would but you’re beginning to see the light.
You walk out of that weight room with a little bit more confidence, your gait has changed you feel relaxed.
Clothes: You wear baggy shit because your clothes don’t fit and if they do it shows your rib cage or your beer belly. Fuck that. You buy new ones a full size too small or a full size too big. You must fit into these clothes by year end. There is more. You didn’t just choose clothing, you took it out of your partying money fund. You took it out of your alcohol, movies, vacations to shitty resorts full of douche-bags fund. You committed. The kicker? You take the time to learn what colours are going to highlight your eyes, your skin tone, your strong personality be it funny, happy, tough or whatever helps you get laid. Then one day just like the weight room you get into your company elevator for your job, on the way up you hear a chirp an attractive or unattractive woman is speaking, she says four words “I like that shirt”
You walk out of that elevator with a little bit more confidence, your tasks for the day seem just a little bit easier than yesterday.
Adventure: Everyone thinks you’re a pussy. You can’t go jump out of a plane because you’re a pussy just like them. You can’t survive in a foreign country by yourself because you need to run home to mom and dad for help. You can’t live without your friend’s approval. Grow some balls. Hundreds of thousands of attractive knockout women have done all of these things but you can’t? How can you earn her respect if she already believes she is above you? Maybe you would never go skydiving… the solution is to go skydiving. Maybe you would never pick up a snake… pick one up. Do something you would “never” do and do it today.
You parachute releases and you land safely on the ground with a little bit more confidence, what else would I “never” do?
Social Circle: All of your previous girlfriends, friends and acquaintances have been met in “appropriate situations”. You filter them though fuck buddy stock (eg. FaceBook), make sure they don’t have HIV and believe this is the way to meet new people! Where is the challenge in that? For an entire year you go out and meet complete strangers in the day, at night, in the gym until you find a new social circle to be a part of. Then one day you meet someone who you click with, next thing you know you have two social circles.
You walk out of a new house party with a little bit more confidence, if I don’t necessarily need my core group of friends what else don’t I need?
Conclusion: You receive a text message one morning from “the one that got away”. “I hear you’re doing xyz now we should catch up some time soon”. You look at your bed where a girl who was once out of your league is resting, you walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. “The one” is back, the difference is it’s staring right back at you. You realize the world is small and delete the text message.