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Thoughts on the UCSB Shooting

After mulling around twitter we saw that the number 2 ranked tweet was “UC Santa Barbara”… Quickly clicking around expecting to see an insane beach party… We were shocked and appalled. A crazed, sexually frustrated gunman, had gone on a rampage. The media is doing its part to somehow blame this on misogyny, which does not make one ounce of sense to anyone with half a brain and more and more data points are coming in that show the following:

“If he had a real male figure to look up to this would have never occurred”

This shouldn’t surprise anyone. The media is a complete hoax and teaches you nonsense from the very second you begin consuming it. By media, we will go ahead and include the typical college social sciences professor as well. Lets go ahead and jump into what can be learned from this.

1) Lack of a Father Figure is a Major Problem: After reading about the news, like any intelligent person we spent the time and dug up his actual writing, YouTube videos and manifestos. The clear hole in his life? No male role models. Factually speaking Elliot Rodger was raised by his mother, he was a mama’s boy (D&P does an amazing post on this here) and struggled to make male friends let alone meet an attractive woman. Let that sink in. He had no male friends, no father figure and yet he is being labeled as a misogynist who went on a rampage. Any man or woman with an IQ above the median is going to realize this was a major issue and will likely reoccur in the future as we see more and more broken homes.

2) Entitlement: If you go through his entire YouTube collection, you notice that he believes he is the center of the universe and somehow deserves women. He is blatantly racist and was even part of hate groups such as PUAHate.com (a website that cultivates frustrated males to manifest more hatred and negativity). He continued to fall deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole.


In college, you are taught that if you are a white male you have “white privilege”

Now people are surprised a white male went on a killing spree because he believed he had privilege? The college education system is partially to blame for this mess as well.

Unfortunately he was steered wrong by the people he is supposed to trust. No one is entitled to anything.

3) He Was a Hater: One thing is crystal clear in his writings. He despised those that were more successful than him. He had anger towards “blacks and indians” in addition to the “muscular surfer dudes” who had success with women. He wasn’t bright enough to put two and two together. The Information he was learning from his sociology classes were complete lies that he needed to ignore. He should have followed the truth and became a D-bag.

No that is not a joke.

He realized the men who were doing well with women on campus were muscular jock D-bags and instead of trying to befriend these men, he angrily hated them from afar. This should drill into your brains that anyone who is a negative person or a “hater” should be cut immediately. Which flows into the fourth takeaway.

4) Steer Clear of All Negative Groups: If you learn anything from this disaster, for your own personal benefit, it should be to avoid any and all negative influences in your life. This includes hate groups, online forums full over losers, idiots with opinions based on no experience and complainers. Delete all of them starting yesterday.

By going though his personal endeavors you see he searched out for the easy solution. When things went bad he cried and went to mother who then helped him switch apartments, buy new clothes or pick up a brand new car. When he couldn’t make friends he instead turned online to have pseudo friends who had the same struggles he had but, unfortunately, none of them were willing to make improvements to their lives.

5) More Men Died, Women Are Turned On: Somehow this is about women and misogyny but at the end of the day 4 men died. Lets repeat that. Four out of the Six people that were killed were men. The result? The crazed gunman, now dead, received what he always wanted… Attention from women.

If you flip through Twitter you see that several women say he was “hot”. This is the exact same reaction we saw after the Boston Marathon bombings. This is a problem. With people saying this mentally ill child is hot, you’re now encouraging other men to go crazy. Someone needs to step in and say this is not appropriate conduct. We’ll be the first.

What to do and What to Believe? With the above 5 points laying out the highlights lets go ahead and go through a bullet list of what we can learn, what we can do and how we can avoid bad information/decision making

  • Learn to Smile and Nod: When you’re in your sociology class be sure to smile nod and ignore. As we’ve stated on twitter the best way to end a conversation with an idiot is as follows: 1) agree, 2) reiterate, 3) smile and nod, 4) excuse yourself and never contact again. In this case, when you learn about society during your 4 years in college, 1) agree with the professor, 2) turn in a paper that reiterates the view, 3) smile and nod, 4) never return to visit them when the class is done. You’ve seen the truth, D-bags get the women so go ahead and hit the weights, make some strong male friends who are able to admit their failures and continue paying the price of success. Grit and Grind.
  • Mainstream Media is a Joke: We haven’t even seen three days pass by and yet the entire event is becoming a joke. The main point is gone and the media is spinning this to be a problem with misogyny, even though this is a father figure problem. The boy had no role models and became mentally ill. Sadly? The media is only going to create more of these events as strong masculine men will be attacked and blamed once again.
  • Rid Your Life of Failures: Avoid losers and failures like the plague. Lets really drill that in once and for all. If someone complains with no solutions, expects results without pain and struggle or has any affiliation with hate groups (PUAhate, racism etc.) then you need to cut them off forever.

That really sums up this catastrophe. We wish we could end this on a positive note but the truth is the reactions say it all. This is not being addressed in the right way and we would not be surprised to see things get worse from here. We’re a positive group of people but the truth is the media is going to do its job to spin this and make it a misogyny problem, even though the boy clearly worshiped women to the point that he would kill for them.

Instead lets put this all behind us and look forward. If there is anyone you know that is struggling with women please feel free to send them to this blog and ask away, we will answer honestly and try to improve their sex lives. If you personally know anyone you can help go and take them out this week to work on their game, wardrobe, weight lifting etc.

Hopefully. Again, hopefully. More men will take this event and realize that there is a lack of leadership out there. Go and find someone to mentor, there are a lot of lost boys waiting for guidance out there.