The launch date is set for January 8, 2018. We had a delay due to editing and adding items to the crypto currency section. This will be the last product we launch for at least a year (minimum, probably more) and we’ll open the doors for significantly more Q&As going forward to make sure we answer all questions. Before we go into the good ole’ sales page, we’re going to emphasize one thing three times. Everything in the book is an opinion and not financial advice. Everything in the book is an opinion and not financial advice. Everything in the book is an opinion and not financial advice. The good news is that we explain in detail what we think about the future and how to benefit from it.
Triangle Investing: Stocks, Real Estate and Crypto Currencies
With the world changing rapidly we think these three asset classes will result in the best wealth accumulation. To organize all of our thoughts we have the following sections:
Financial Benchmarks and Overview: In this section we provide a broad overview of how much we think an intelligent individual can be worth by age. This is more of a fun introduction and gives the reader an idea of what we believe is doable without giving up any part of your personal life (still have time to party, have fun and live a free life). We offer three high level strategies: Risk on, Risk Neutral and Risk Averse. By giving away three different ideas, we don’t have to do any sort of specific consulting. Simply decide on your own risk tolerance and you’ll invest in the various asset classes. As usual, we bias towards the positive side. So if you can do better than the numbers we provide, we agree! There are many people who make their first billion dollars before they even turn thirty. Anything is possible. We simply provide a framework for the “ambitious” individual.
Overview of Stocks: The basic dollar cost averaging strategy still works. And. We give away what we own in our actual portfolio (beyond ETFs). We give 1) a basic explanation of why ETFs can cause a large downturn and 2) what we own in our actively managed accounts. The actively managed portfolio is a long-term holding and talks about “where the world is moving”. Some of them have specific stocks we own other parts talk more broadly. This section is essentially tailored for someone in their late 20s or older. If you’re thinking about managing your own money, we assume that you already have a business up and running and a high paying career. Otherwise you should continue with the dollar cost averaging strategy.
To avoid any confusion, unless you’re financially independent, it does not make sense to do anything else beyond ETFs. Why? Well if you are not financially independent, this means you’re not generating enough income. You can scrimp and save and try to generate 5-10% in additional returns but it will not move the needle when compared to creating your own business or growing your career. We focus on the big money first then you can move onto the smaller “fun items” like trying to outperform the market long-term.
Overview of Real Estate: This is the most actionable section. Unlike crypto currencies and stocks, real estate has a blue print so to speak. We give ours away and realize that there are millions of ways to get rich in real estate. In fact, we know people who would laugh at our strategy because it is not aggressive enough. That said, it works if you’re running a couple of online businesses combined with a busy career. If you’re following the strategy in Efficiency (online sales), this strategy is for you since it is scalable and profitable. At the end of the day, people will need a place to live so real estate will not be going away any time in the near-future.
Our strategy is not for people who intend on doing Real Estate full time. The good news is we do explain how real estate investors make a living in the sector as a full time profession. The well known “BRRRR” strategy still works: Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance and Repeat. Our product is not meant for someone in this situation and is meant for people who want to diversify their income without taking on substantial risk. The key word there is “substantial” since all investment vehicles have risk.
Overview of Crypto Currencies: No one will agree with this section. The one thing we can all agree on (at least those that have done their research!) is that it will change the world in ways we cannot imagine. Whether it is called Bitcoin or something else, crypto currencies are here to stay and we should do serious research into the space before the technology is truly understood. We provide our opinions and strategy for investing in the space. We also give out business ideas and ways to participate in the upside without owning a single coin.
We are happy to share the investments we have, while we won’t give away the dollar amount, you’ll find the percent allocated into this sector along with the coins that we currently own. Since this is more of a venture investment (lots of volatility and many moving pieces) we have created a special way to keep up with the space. We don’t think it is right to re-charge every year for the same book so we will have a surprise for those that purchase the product and actually read it! This makes the page count “constantly increase”. You’ll see when you read it! Note: there is no way we can cover everything (it changes too much and there are too many coins). And. On a positive note. We can give you a good way to start while avoiding a lot of the noise. We will also have more Q&As in 2018.
Overview of Bonds/CDs: Basic stuff here. Since our blog is tailored to younger people trying to become deca-millionaires, we don’t cover it as much. If someone is over the age of 40-50 they already have a different risk tolerance and have a personal view on the amount that should be allocated towards bonds. This is the shortest section since interest rates are low and protecting principal is simply not that interesting.
Portfolio Overview by Age: Here is yet another controversial section, we will outline our own personal investment strategy at this time. Meaning, if we were starting all over again, where would we put our money? We would remind everyone that this is more of a risk on blog. If someone already doesn’t have to work for a living (financially independent and wouldn’t need to work even if there was a 50% market correction), then what is the point of saving money in “CDs”. We just don’t understand that logic and take a different approach.
Putting it All Together: This product will not be a “fun read”. Similar to Efficiency we cut straight to the chase and to the point. We don’t like wasting time and don’t like filler words like 99% of all of the products out there. Having a summary section is helpful to make sure all of the items are understood and can be recalled with a few simple pages (similar to how we structured Efficiency).
2017 Was Amazing and 2018 Will Ideally Be Better!
We don’t even know what to say about 2017. It was so much better than 2016 and yet 2016 was capped off by making a killing on the Trump Presidency. Since we’re positive people, we believe 2018 has the potential to be even better than 2017! There will be a lot of ups and downs and typically we see a small set back every 6 months or so. That said, it has been up and to the right despite all of the volatility. 2017 was about selling assets and freeing up time (hence our product creation), 2018 will require us to go “back into hibernation”. This means we will be hunkering down with new projects (our real work outside of this hobby) to generate more income over the next 12 months.
2018 will also mark the year of answering more of your questions and we’re already set to meet many of our readers to start the year (yes we vetted the right ones over the past couple of years). We’re guessing it will be more of a calm year for the blog, the good news is that you’ll see more interactions as well. We will also write more on 1) selling online businesses, 2) crypto currencies and 3) investing/traveling.
On that note for 2018, we hope you stay in and plan your year like we do. Our annual New Years Eve looks the same so we suggest reading the post. To cap it all off, if you have last second suggestions for the book feel free to drop them in the comments and we may tack on a few special paragraphs and have the Editor scream at us on Tuesday!