We hope this does not fall on deaf ears. It is certainly a divergence from a few of the posts that will be going up soon.
Rewire Your Brain to Frame Everything in Your Life as a Positive.
Complete synchronization of your life. Lets take a look at some examples:
Weight Lifting: Back five years ago when lifting at the gym, angry aggressive and downright mean songs would blast from my earphones. Now? Weightlifting is done while listening to incredibly upbeat and happy music. Why? Rewire Your Brain. Weightlifting with angry music blasting is good, but imagine lifting with positive vibes flowing the entire time. Now your mind and your body are associating weightlifting with a positive connotation. There are a lot of fit guys at the gym who listen to heavy music, it works, but what if it could be better? This change alone allows you to be in a positive mind frame both before you enter the gym and after you enter the gym.
Getting Reamed at Work: No doubt we all get reamed out at work. “I expected better from you” or “XYZ error was in XYZ document” or so and so over at XYZ branch said this and that about you which makes us look bad. Negative feedback. How do you Rewire Your Brain? If they were not giving you criticism they would not care about your improvement. That’s an improved frame of mind. The sure tell sign that you are about to be fired is when people no longer care about anything you are producing. When people quit on you, their ready to let you go.
Girls: When you try to chat up a girl during your lunch break, at the club, or at the dance venue if you get rejected how do you react? Do you allow your body to take a negative body language posture by shoving them into your pockets or do you laugh it off? Rewire Your Brain. Instead when a girl gives you the classic head turn or something worse, repeat to yourself “Practice makes perfect i’m closer to the goal”. As always the difference between a winner and a loser is a failed attempt is viewed as practice where a loser will view it as a defeat. How are you going to get any better without failures? You won’t.
Jealousy: This one is nearing intermediate level where you stop comparing yourself to other people. It’s much easier to compare yourself to Joe Millionaire and be jealous or see a guy with a 9.5 and be jealous of his catch. Stop it. The success of someone else does not deter your own improvement. Rewire Your Brain. If this guy can make money or get a girl that is a 9.5 why can’t you? You know the answer, positive practice and repetition, you need to believe in yourself.
Real Setbacks: This is certainly at intermediate level. Maybe you lost a family member, maybe you lost a large deal and your job, maybe you got into a car accident and will be in recovery mode. Rewire Your Brain. Every single setback is an opportunity to recover, a man is defined by how much he can come back from. An enormous myth in the media is that most well off people didn’t work to get to where they are today. Nonsense and defeatist quitting mentality. Negative, real setbacks separate the heavy hitters from the wannabes. Within the group of successful friends that should surround you, undoubtedly most of them have a terrible setback in their life before they made their big breakthroughs. Otherwise you’re a trust fund baby and have no need for this website. One saying that should stick in your mind is this “You become a man when you overcome a negative life changing event”
Tranquil: This is something we should all strive for, no one writing on this blog is here yet but this is the end goal. You have Rewired Your Brain to believe that everything is positive. While there is the saying of “yin and yang” this is another level above the good and bad dichotomy. Instead every life event is positive. A “negative” life changing event is now a positive you can say you came back from “xyz”, a “positive” life changing event such as a new career or business is just that, a positive event that you should continue to improve upon.
The Takeaway: This last part may be a bit confusing but the idea is the following, what in your brain needs to be rewired? Do you believe you can’t gain weight? Eat until you puke. Do you believe you can’t meet girls dead sober? Unlock your reptilian brain. Get a short-term harem and go do it over and over again until you succeed. Below is the feedback loop you want to create in your mind. Forever.
Complete Event 1 -> New Level of Confidence -> What else within my mind’s belief system is limiting my potential? -> Complete Event 2 -> New Level of Confidence -> What else do I believe in that really isn’t so.
Your mind has an unlimited number of beliefs, therefore your potential is also unlimited.