This question has come up a lot with guys who are having trouble with alcohol in their home. “What do I stock my fridge with”. If you’re smart, which we all can be if we try hard enough, what you’re really asking is “How do I get this girl to relax in my place”. Back up. What do girls drink? Fruity drinks. Drinks that “taste good”. You really don’t need that much alcohol. 1) Mixed Drinks (vodka for cosmos, rum for Jack and Coke, tequila for margaritas) 2) Regular Drinks:Champagne and Wine. That’s it. Of course there is more, it’s all about execution. Get the girl to “feel good” in your place.
The Vibe:
Keep the music on at all times, it makes pauses less awkward if they occur
Your place must be clean, not “guy clean” you should be able to lick the floors clean, the bathroom is just as important
There is limited seating, you should only have places to sit where you’ll sit together, side by side. Don’t be dumb, the bed should not be the only seating and you’re not trying to interview her, rearrange accordingly
The Drinks:
Buy a shaker and be sure to shake her drink in ice, mix it well, add a splash of pineapple juice to cosmos
Hand her the drink while you have yours in your hand
Naturally she’ll want to try your drink as well
Three Must Do’s
Always have types of glasses, a wine glass a champagne flute, and a regular glass for others
Always have coasters, you’re a clean guy remember?
Always drink at a steady pace, slightly ahead or slightly behind is good
Three Must Not Do’s
Do not have incredibly cute glasses
Do not try to make her drink stronger or ask her to take a shot immediately, bad move
Do not try to force your drink choices on her, who cares if she likes Patron over Ciroc
Conclusion: Some guys are probably screaming where’s the.e beer where’s the cheap stuff? Ask yourself, does a girl feel better drinking what seems to be fancy or what seems to be low brow garbage? You already know the answer. No contest.