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Wall Street Playboys Annual Review: Failing

The blog has been around for one year now and it’s time to go ahead and look at the blog objectively. On a 1-10 scale this is currently running in the 4-5 range. Needless to say this is unacceptable.

With that said here’s what will change in the future. Starting this week.

1) We Are Increasing The Age Requirement For Posting Articles. Essentially, a few of the articles were too short and low quality so in order to combat this issue we are adjusting our age requirement up. Overall, this should be a net positive for readers as they receive information from older contributors, which leads us to point two.

2) We Are Going To Create Longer More In-Depth Articles On A Go Forward Basis. If we are going to spend time making longer articles this will usually require more experience so one and two will go hand and hand. The great thing about this plan is we have received some interesting ideas from a wide range of readers from young college students to adults running Small to Medium Sized businesses. This will certainly help idea generation and leads to point three.

3) We Are No Longer Answering Private Requests For Free Via Email Due To Overload. There are hundreds of reasons why we are doing this but the major one that stands out is this.

We did ~75 resume reviews for free this year. Of the 75 free reviews? Two people did not need much editing and should focus on networking, four people went through the full process (two got jobs thus far) and the remaining 60+ people did not even bother going through the full resume review process effectively wasting our time. With that said we still want to help people while minimizing our email responses,  so what is the solution?

4. We Are Going To Open An Online Consulting Service Shortly. Essentially we are doing two things here, 1) you will notice we have a new tab called “Ask Us Anything”. This is how you can request posts and or provide feedback on what you’d like to see on the blog and 2) now our email will be used for privatized consulting/services such as building out financial models for you on a specific company etc.

We’ll run this as a trial and we will do our best to charge the lowest possible amount for private requests. Notably, we do not plan to create any Wall Street Prep books or anything similar because as we’ve said a million times, spending money on financial modeling courses is simply equivalent to pouring money down the drain.

5. Articles Based On Requests. We are going to keep the website tailored to the same three topics however as readership changes we will adjust the articles towards the relevant topics. If the vast majority of readers have questions about Wall Street/Personal Finance/Game or otherwise, you’ll see changes to our posting style. This will be primarily driven by the new “Ask Us Anything” tab since it does not require an email address to post on the tab.

With that said expect more detailed posts in the near future (this week) as we will free up several hours by no longer responding to email.