Recently had the chance to touch base with Mike Cernovich from Danger and Play. We don’t spend too much time together as we are both busy pursuing multiple projects… But we do have one thing in common…. We hate wasting time.
With that said we generally meet once maybe 1.5x per year to catch up and here are the main takeaways (WSPBs perspective).
1) People in their 20s don’t have their priorities straight
It took less than 15 minutes to figure this one out. For some reason people in their 20s are constantly asking for “game advice” and how to “get chicks”. You can see the tension in the nightlife environment. It is practically a war zone of men trying to one up each other.
Why is that? It is a product of men in their 20s having backward priorities.
Lets assume that you master the “game” and get “the one” for you. Now she enters your life which is full of… nothing. You didn’t put the big blocks up first so you have nothing to maintain her interest. How long are you going to be able keep hand in the relationship? Maybe a year. Maybe less… Then she’ll begin making demands of you. You lost.
Then these men jump back on the treadmill ignoring the big blocks (financial security, health, long-standing relationships with high quality men)and return to asking more game related questions. What a waste of time.
Mike is actually a much nicer guy than us, he won’t say it but we will.
If you’re picking the brain of a guy who is netting 500K page views a month, a successful lawyer and a well educated health freak about how to land “one night stands” you’re wasting his time and your own. Asking a successful person to be a relationship coach over a girl who dumped you or a girl who flaked on you says one thing about your life. You have nothing meaningful going on. At all.
Harsh? Probably. True? Absolutely.
Here is a good proxy for when you should seriously worry about game. If you’re on track to be worth $1M+ by 30 and you’re unhappy with your sex life, you can now ask for game advice. Otherwise, get to work on something more meaningful.
2) You will be happier if you live your life honestly
If you are constantly putting on an act, you’re going to be stressed. Yes cultural decline is real and most women you meet will be sluts who have hooked up with 20+ men on tinder. Ignore them.
You should know what type of life you want to live and that will naturally attract the type of girl you want as well. Going to the clubs, getting blacked out and stumbling around as your buddy asks you to pick him up with other “hot chicks” is about as appealing as 45 shots of 151.
If you live your life as you actually want to live it, you’re going to attract different types of women and male friends. The law of attraction is absolutely true. Start approaching women as you live the life you actually envisioned and a lot of your unhappiness will fade away.
3) Holding men and women to the same standards is ludicrous
If you are dating an attractive woman who is your opposite, holding her to the same standards as you will not work. Period. Double standard? So what. It is simply true. No attractive woman is going to put herself through the same amount of pain as you, which is why she is there to be a supporter and cheerleader.
Besides, she is not going to respect you in the first place if she thinks you’re her equal or lesser.
Click here for a review of the basic ground rules.
4) People have no emotional control
During our catch up we did have a chance to meet some quality people. Even then, one thing stood out… When it comes to money people have no emotional control. We didn’t realize it but this short post can change a person’s life if they simply practice the simple steps outlined.
Successful people, men and women who make $1M+ per year were actually concerned about “timing the market”. This is exactly how people lose their life savings. After you personally watch a few investments go both north and south (30%+) you should be able to stomach the volatility. Yet our email got blown up after a 5-7% correction. In addition, it was a hot topic of discussion.
Sadly there is nothing to discuss. Just dollar cost average and move on. As stated over and over again, 99% of people won’t be able to do this.
5) Talent is wasted everyday
With the ugly realizations out of the way, here is a mixed realization. There are a lot of talented people out there who are simply refusing to tap into their potential.
Lets step up to the plate with two examples:
Example 1
Twenties Mentor – This blog concept should be netting 6 figures. How do we know? The demand for this type of mentoring program would be through the roof if the author could simply do the heavy lifting instead of regurgitating a few select manosphere posts/ideas. Don’t get us wrong, we’re happy for a few clicks here and there but the bigger issue is the lost potential. Lets write this out again.
Twenties mentor is a 6 figure opportunity that is being half-assed.
It is being half assed because the author, whomever he is, is not addressing the niche appropriately. How so? Check out the starting video.
In short the author states he “wants to be the best at fitness, women, starting a business”. Wonderful. Why isn’t the blog taking up any traction? Easy. There is no action.
How should the blog be improved? Choose one action step and go down that path quickly. Write 2,000+ word posts every single day.
Based on the video, the author currently lacks certainty. Therefore… we would suggest the following series: “How to become a great speaker”. Take classes, record your voice, show proof of effort and see how your readers respond to your new videos. We guarantee it will be interesting. Take what people in their 20s are afraid of and show them real time it is achievable. The #1 fear is the public speaking.
Is the author going to continue half assing the blog? If he does, then it better be a hobby because it certainly won’t garner readership with regurgitation/summaries of the blogs he reads. Take out the machete and go down your own path.
To reiterate, you can make 6 figures off of that blog concept if done correctly.
Example 2
Kidstrangelove – The author of this blog has the reverse issue of twenties mentor (opinion). While twenties mentor is unwilling to get out and pave the trail (so far), kidstrangelove appears to be an engineer who is uninterested in the limelight. It took him all of 6 seconds to create manosphere.com which is a blog aggrigator that helps every single author it tracks.
The author is able to quickly cut through media BS and synthesize data (like any good engineer!). But… He’s not putting much effort into building a brand off of his technology know how. The potential is certainly there.
6) The USA has everything you need
No the USA is not perfect and there are a lot of issues (kangaroo courts, fat acceptance and otherwise) yet if you look hard enough you can find the diamonds in the rough. Once you do, you’ll bask in the glory of having your cake and eating it too. After traveling to enough international destinations you will find that you’re trading one headache for another.
In short you’re trading cultural dating headaches for business/trade headaches.
You can choose headache number two and make all of your income online or you can keep headache number one and simply adjust your lifestyle to find the girls that fit your needs. One thing is for sure, complaining won’t do anything.
7) Intelligent 3rd party observations lead to immediate results
If you are spending time with an intelligent person on Topic X, it’s wise to put them in a situation to give you feedback on that topic. As an example, if you’re a great salesman but are in the room with an even greater salesman… You should show him a video of your latest presentation.
In less than 30 minutes you’ll find multiple tweaks to improve your situation. Net cost? Practically nothing.
In short, the largest room in the world is always the room for improvement.
8) #GamerGate
Still do not understand what this is truly about. But if you’re looking for some LULz simply follow Mike’s twitter. In short, they are barking up the wrong tree since he doesn’t have a boss to report to. *Popcorn*