Time is the most important asset you have. Period.
If you believe in God, that is perfectly fine, just don’t believe you have a second life because you may lose the one you’re living right now. If you are 25 or 50 years old, you’re closer to death after reading the end of this sentence.
Don’t waste time.
Types of Time Wasters
These people make up 90%+ of the population. They have no niche knowledge and are unable to provide an intelligent or different perspective to any conversation. How do you know? They haven’t taken the time to build a skill-set. Instead they consistently look for immediate results without learning the process behind it.
No, you are not going to know a lot about everything (and you shouldn’t because a jack of all trades is broke). BUT. You should have a deep understanding of at least 3-5 subjects before you even bother asking for solutions to a specific topic.
Since we like examples here are some classic time wasters.
Too Lazy for Search Engines: If you didn’t even bother searching for 30 minutes to an hour for the answer, you may as well tell the world you’re a fool. Most answers are easily found after two or three clicks on Google. If you know someone who asks questions that can be answered in 10 minutes by a Google search, delete their contact information immediately. What that person is telling you is that he believes his time is more valuable than yours. This should be taken as an enormous insult.
The Time Just Flies By: Unless someone is complementing you on how gracefully you age, under no circumstances should you be living the same life in the current year as you were in the previous year. No exceptions. Lets repeat that. Under no circumstances is year 1 going to be the same as year 2. It is simply not acceptable behavior.
If anyone tries to tell you this is too difficult, immediately spit out the following ideas: learn a new sport, create a second source of income, teach a new person how to pick up women, take a book challenge and see how many you can read in a month, learn a dance, learn an instrument, learn an art, volunteer, gain 10 lbs of muscle, lose 10 lbs of fat, learn a language, hike up Mt. Everest, etc. Again if you run into someone who is exactly the same as he was a year ago, simply move on.
No Killer Instinct: This is a preference and many will disagree. There is nothing worse than being surrounded by someone without a killer instinct. You can smell it. They are generally passive aggressive because they aren’t confident enough to put their foot down on a belief.
Long Winded Nonsense: We like twitter. Why? If used appropriately you can succinctly get a message across without wasting 700 words full of tripe. At a certain point in time you should become a clear communicator. You can generally tell the age of the person writing by the length of their emails, the longer it is the younger they are.
Unless there is a reason for specific detail, keep it simple.
As an example? Lets go back to the interview. If asked about *why you?*… you better be quick to show value since your first impression is going to be more important to the decision factor than you think. If they are asking you to explain *in detail* how a financial model works, you better sit down and write out all the high level items and build down to the nitty gritty as the interviewer drills down to the takeaway.
The Procrastinator: This person is either young or lazy. Not sure which one but procrastinators are usually in one of these two camps, the young ones are learning how to avoid this trap and the rest are far beyond repair. In short, if it is going to improve your life financially, physically or intellectually and you’re not doing it immediately you’ve got no one to blame but the man in the mirror. It’s your life to waste.
Summary Action Steps: For those that believe the above was long-winded nonsense 1) search for the answer yourself until you have knowledge to payback, 2) you should see dramaticyear-over-year improvements in your life or you’ve wasted the year, 3) avoid those without a killer instinct – typically passive aggressive, 4) learn to be a concise communicator unless it is an in-depth explanation, 5) if something is going to improve your life financially, physically or intellectually you’re only ruining your own life by not making the jump.
“Most people die at 25 and aren’t buried until they’re 75″ – Benjamin Franklin
Don’t let this be you.
*** For those that have followed the blog religiously, you’re going to be in for a surprise in 2015. We’ve come up with a solution. Expect change.***