Now that you’ve had a good laugh from the title lets take a look at the statement.
There is actually some significant overlap here, the truth is that milk ages much slower if it is uncontaminated, go to an organic food store and you’ll quickly realize pure unprocessed milk lasts significantly longer. In this example, unprocessed and uncontaminated refers to a low number of poor sexual partner choices (don’t worry guys women will still choose the player). Women should take advantage of their relative power in their youth.
For men there is a similar dilemma, if you’re not investing in yourself working out, making money and taking care of your health, you’re basically a corked wine bottle. You can work as hard as you want but you will age horrifically if you allow the slow and painful growth to be interrupted by terrible decisions. Take advantage of your time.
With that said, the summary of this post would simply be that women should intelligently select a good man and men should get off their high horses and begin the process of investing in themselves.
Lets take a deeper look.
Looks: As any normal heterosexual man will tell you he is attracted to young, symmetric women who are happy and feminine. Similarly, every single woman is disgusted by a man who can’t make decisions and is a quivering spaghetti string in the face of adversity. Men go through adversity over time and women are tasked with making a smart decision at a young age. Finally as nature has made it, for good or bad, a man’s jaw-line drops and facial features improve into his low 30’s which is why the game really begins at 30, those hippie backpacking kids from college are certainly not going to be dating anyone you’d show in public. They’re broke too.
Men: At age 18 they look like punk kids –> at 22 they’re getting a metro-sexual boy-band look –> in your late twenties you develop a narrow face and masculine features –> by 31 you look like an accomplished man –> at 38 you’re still distinguished –> at mid forties… still doing just fine but the decline in looks is quite distinct.
Women: At 18 the world is yours, you’ll get more than enough attention –> This continues into their low twenties where if they play their cards right they’ll have multiple suitors –> If you’re not playing your cards right in your mid twenties you have a slightly aggressive “sexual” look where you approach… The Wall, not Wall Street, but the dangerous zone of rapid physical decline –> Early forties the courting game should be over. As you can see women are high beta securities (somehow PUA lingo and Securities can be linked to a single word).
People can read this and call it misogynistic but the truth is a man in his low thirties and a woman in her low twenties are a pretty good match, this will unlikely happen as both have soaring egos and multiple options. The Green circles are the range. Don’t worry none of our writers will ever get married, just pointing out the facts.
Cash: So lets say you’re getting girls already and you’re in College. Great. Everyone is broke. As you know girls will always choose the best option: 1) Guy with good looks, good game and cash or 2) Guy with good looks, good game and broke. Number two will lose every single time in the long-run. A broke artist musician at age 21 is cool and interesting, at 41 it’s an embarrassment.
Since this is a Wall Street website, even take a deeper look into your pay scale, the last meaningful jump before revenue generation happens… Right around 30.
Men: At age 18 they look like punk kids –> at 22 they’re getting a metro-sexual boy-band look –> in your late twenties you develop a narrow face and masculine features –> by 31 you look like an accomplished man –> at 38 you’re still distinguished –> at mid forties… still doing just fine but the decline in looks is quite distinct.
Women: At 18 the world is yours, you’ll get more than enough attention –> This continues into their low twenties where if they play their cards right they’ll have multiple suitors –> If you’re not playing your cards right in your mid twenties you have a slightly aggressive “sexual” look where you approach… The Wall, not Wall Street, but the dangerous zone of rapid physical decline –> Early forties the courting game should be over. As you can see women are high beta securities (somehow PUA lingo and Securities can be linked to a single word).
People can read this and call it misogynistic but the truth is a man in his low thirties and a woman in her low twenties are a pretty good match, this will unlikely happen as both have soaring egos and multiple options. The Green circles are the range. Don’t worry none of our writers will ever get married, just pointing out the facts.
Cash: So lets say you’re getting girls already and you’re in College. Great. Everyone is broke. As you know girls will always choose the best option: 1) Guy with good looks, good game and cash or 2) Guy with good looks, good game and broke. Number two will lose every single time in the long-run. A broke artist musician at age 21 is cool and interesting, at 41 it’s an embarrassment.
Since this is a Wall Street website, even take a deeper look into your pay scale, the last meaningful jump before revenue generation happens… Right around 30.
Hopefully you avoided your MBA and CFA in this process but even if you decided to take that route, when it’s said and done you’re near your low thirties. The sky is the limit at that point, generate revenue or hover around that two to three handle range over the next decade or so.
Be warned, get started early on preparing for your future or else… You’ll get burned.
Health: Similarly, as stated before if “everyone else is doing it” it’s probably a bad idea.
Binge drinking, going to raves and doing copious amounts of drugs is great… If you’re still on track health wise and with your finances. Look no further than your initial office job, an internship of course, to see the perils of not staying in shape. Similar to your career the earlier you start the better off you will be for the long-haul. Stack those weights up as high as possible and do set after set after set until your body really goes through significant hypertrophy.
You can judge us if you want but if you can’t tell who you’d rather be from the above photo, you’re better off living at home with your mom for the rest of your life.
To conclude the topic of health, as we mentioned before on the overlap of military/athletes and Wall Street... Perfect practice makes perfect. This is the major overlap, going through the motions in the gym is similar to a lazy approach at a bar, club or day game conversation. In the military it is unacceptable to be offbeat, from an athletic point of view you should be running at full speed, changing directions on a dime piece and dripping sweat like you’re in a live competition. No one gets better at anything by simply “trying”. As the cliché goes, do it right or do it twice.
Concluding Remarks: This is nothing new for the old guys who are undoubtedly nodding their head in approval, it is also a major theme of the “Manosphere”, invest today for a better tomorrow and rewire your brain to enjoy the present. To be fair when speaking to a young girlfriend you should also give them the same advice… Look good and find a good man if they want to settle down in the future. Guys are visual creatures.
With that said… Who would you rather be? It’s up to you.