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Its Harder to Learn Game for the Intelligent

Ignorance is bliss. For better or worse, if you succeeded academically it will be both more difficult to learn game and harder to reprogram your mind. Even worse? It’s even harder to get into the zone if you’re cognitive brain is strong. I’ll start with the why.

Why is Game Harder for the Intelligent? It is a myth that intelligent people are uglier the truth is intelligent people have been indirectly programmed. In high school there was always a “right answer”, in college you wrote papers with the “right answer” (feminist leftist speak), in math and science there is always a “right answer”. In fact game would be even harder the more you believe in a single answer.

This applies to general happiness as well, people who succeed through life in academia believe “one thing will change their life” it doesn’t work.

Some Quick Examples:

People with Lucrative Jobs: If you have a good job, there are hoards of “Island People”… These guys believe they will be happy if they just get $10M and retire forever on an island doing… nothing. They won’t be. But they just need that $10M one day.

Height: If I was only XYZ tall I’d get bitches, all I need is surgery later on… You know napoleon was short right?

Face: Believe they cannot improve their facial structure, maybe walking around with a glum look like you just soiled yourself is really unattractive?

Jobs: If I just had XYZ job girls would flock and I’d be happy forever. Unless you mean complete fame or becoming a bartender/pole dancing male stripper your results will be muted.

Body: If I just had XYZ body type I’d be happy, until then I’m going to sit around and wait until that day to go out socializing.

Inequality: This is a clincher for high education, you’re taught that the white man or rich person or xyz type people get all the “perks in life”. If you were just one of those lucky people you’d be set too, so you should spend the rest of your life fighting the system, and fighting the “good fight” will eventually change your life when you “win”. Be realistic, you’re wasting your time. You could have spent every second stirring with hate making more money and trying to fuck more bitches. The choice is yours.

The issue here is quite clear, you’ll spend your time chasing a single thing that will “change your life”, of course if you’re incredibly dedicated you’ll achieve that one goal… but at what cost? Will you be 100 lbs over weight, aged 10 years from stress and ugly as well? Will you be in shape but broke and living in a box? Will you get facial reconstructive surgery but then be cash strapped? Will you make $10M and have no personality when you’re done?

A big takeaway is that in life and with getting any quality girl to have sex with you, is realizing that you need to have multiple dimensions. You should be looking for the “right answers” not the right “answer”. Try taking multiple small steps in the right direction instead of making leaps and bounds in a single category. One day all those small gains add up. You hit the gym for an hour a day… You studied for work 8 hours a day, you went out to try and pick up bitches 2 hours a day, you sleep 8 hours a day and so on. Everyone has a different mix, just don’t let your logical brain take over. If you truly believe that one thing will change your life you’re losing in the game of life.

There is no worse feeling than that moment when you realize what you expected to be true, was entirely false. We’ve all been there before.