The blog is seeing a 400% spike in traffic that is holding even through the Easter weekend. This is good news. We seem to be at the tipping point. People are just interested enough to view over 10+ posts when they land but are still a bit confused. The confusion is likely due to the following beliefs.
“No rich person would ever help someone out” False. That is the purpose of this site.
“The information on Wall Street and Interviews are lies” False. Have a crack at them.
“Rich people are bitter and unhappy with their lives” False. Money buys happiness.
“These guys don’t even really work on the Street“ False. Check them screen caps or ask away.
All of these negative beliefs needs to be terminated.
So what is the point here. Why create a platform that will become a landing point for Wall Street entry and getting out of the 99%?
Here’s the rub. To become wealthy you must become of value your success is our success as well.
There are no secrets here, the increase in blog posts are directly related to increases in web traffic, random ad clicks and affiliate product sell through. The more people visit, the more information we will lay out. The more quality information we post the more people visit… the more information we will lay out. This is a positive for both parties and mutual long-term success becomes… inevitable. If people want to see full pitchbooks, M&A models, LBOs etc. that is certainly in the cards. If we don’t deliver legitimate information this blog will die. Fair is fair.
Hopefully the point is clear. If you have important information it becomes a vicious cycle of success. We want you to win, if you win we win as well that is the positive mindset that must bleed from every single pore in your body.
With that said there is even more good news. We will edit/revise and give feedback on the first ten finance resumes that hit our inbox starting as of this blog post… for free. In addition, the next post will be a loaded up Discounted Cash Flow model as a reader offered us some cash to explain it to him. We declined and now he’s going to get it for free.
Finally, we got the donation idea from the aforementioned reader who requested the basic discounted cash flow analysis. Unfortunately all of these blog posts are made in transit and we’re not going to meet up live for drinks just yet. So if this blog has been helpful to you we’ll happily take a shot of Ciroc on the rocks. Any donation will lead to information.
With that said we don’t know what you guys did this Easter but the only bunnies we’re interested in have photos in magazines.
Get ready for more quality information, or we can all take advice from people like this.