Is everyone else doing it? It’s probably a bad idea.
A few emails have come in asking about Facebook, Twitter and increasing your net social capital on the Internet. The solution? Delete. If it’s not helping you get laid or not getting you paid. Stop. There are very few people who receive clout from connecting on the internet via Facebook, lets take a deeper look at the issues with having a profile that seem to come up continuously.
What If She Asks for My Facebook? Get stronger game. When a girl asks you for your Facebook she is either 1) looking at you as a long-term partner which means you’re not all that attractive to her or 2) she wants to vet you out. Trapped. The only people who should be asking you for a Facebook account are friends of friends purely as a courtesy. In which you should respond “Don’t have one”.
How Do I Keep In Contact With My Friends? Yeah okay bro you got 200+ “friends” on the internet who really care about your recent trip to the burger joint and the upload of your green garden burger with “extra guac”. Get a grip. At the end of the day the people near and dear to you are a single phone call away, a single email or a single text message.
How Do I Stay Up to Date on Events? Get a feed if you must but at the end of the day you should be too busy to keep up with the Kardashians. Events on Facebook are certainly not going to be filled to the brim with knockout dime pieces either, so best to hit the ground stop making excuses and find the right spots yourself.
How Do I Stalk/Keep Up With the Cute Girls I Know? This is another easy one, unless you’re having sex with her why do you need to keep up. Go outside to the mall and you’ll find some cute girls immediately. You don’t need to force social status to get girls, roll solo dolo and you’ll be fine.
How Do I Find Better Jobs? Linked-in. That’s the only legitimate network you should be a part of. In fact this is yet another reason to delete your Facebook account, the worst thing that could happen is one bad photo gets loaded up on the web. You get tagged. Game over to your career.
How Do I Prevent Guys and Girls From Wrecking My Social Value? Again, another reason to hit delete. If you hold with extreme confidence your lack of desire for Facebook and any sort of “look how cool my life is” interactions that is another level of confidence. You should be autonomous and unwavering a group of “friends” should have zero impact on your net social worth. People should be clamoring for your attention, you should not be clamoring for their approval.
The above should answer the majority of questions on why you should not be dealing with a webpage that spills out your life story. An interesting man does not show all of his cards up front and does not need to inform the world on his life activities 24/7. The roles should be reversed. Both men and women, should want to dig into your life because they know you’re holding out on them.