This is an interesting question posed by a friend of ours over at Danger and Play and this is post outlines how your game should progress over the next several years.
The First Step
Something will trigger your interest in becoming better with women. This can range from 1) general unhappiness with your sex life, 2) being dumped by a girl, 3) depression and 4) lack of a strong social circle. At this point you look in the mirror and realize you can either become a bitter and angry person “why is the world unfair” “why am I unhappy” or you can realize that no one cares about you and you need to develop your own solution to solve your issues. If you choose the latter, welcome to a life of long-term happiness through many years of failures.
With that said, in the beginning, game is simply your ability to fix your sex life.
The Second Step
After many rejections you begin to improve, you have your own general guidelines on how to fix your sex life. You will notice a pattern. Once the pattern is intact you will realize the following hierarchy in getting laid (from least difficult to most):
1) Fame “Game”: If you have access to some sort of fame, be it a college athlete to a movie star, the only “game” you need is don’t F*** it up game. Instead of being bitter about this reality you quickly realize famous people are able to make a “broad connection” as people feel they “know” the person before meeting them. They see their faces on TV, billboards, magazines etc. This realization leads to the second tier.
2) Status/Social Circle Game: The next weakest form of game is leveraging status and a social circle to receive introductions. At this point you are now receiving referrals so you need mediocre salesmanship to land a girl in this situation.
3) Online Game: The third weakest form is online game. You put all of your information on a platter and hope the girl will respond to you. You rely heavily on your looks as it is the quickest filter, if you don’t believe it then feel free to date online with a photo of Quasimodo and run game.
4) Night Game: Two forms. The harder form is rolling solo and the easier version is with a wing. You have to get out of your headspace alone and a wing is usually helpful in entertaining the remainder of the group. Your game will improve much faster rolling solo.
5) Day Game: The hardest and last form of game is picking up women dead sober during the day. There is no social lubrication (alcohol) and you are simply creating interest from scratch. If you can master day game the rest of the forms of game will be easier: your ability to hold interesting and fun conversations at night increase, your ability to pull a girl off the internet is easy since she already finds you attractive, an introduction through your friend is a layup and so the cycle of improvement continues.
In this stage of the game you are trying to improve in all areas. You are going out at night, trying to nab numbers during the day, stacking multiple dates and simply trying to improve at all levels. Your goal has changed from getting women to getting women who were previously out of your league.
Game at this point is landing a girl that makes people wonder: “Why the hell is she with him? He must be rich”. Once people start to hate on you, calling you a D-bag or making excuses for why the girl is with you, you now have the ability to teach game to a newbie.
The Third Step
The Setback. At some point after all of the work you have put in, you will have a set back. It could be a set back in terms of jealously (you wish you were born 6’6”, handsome, muscular and with a $20M trust fund), you may have a moral obligation setback when you find out the girl you’ve been seeing is actually married or you may lose your job and go through an epic dry spell. No matter what the set back is the positive forward momentum you had going has been halted entirely.
You go back to the basics. You begin rewiring your brain.
After several weeks things begin to click again, you quickly meet or exceed your previous accomplishments and realize your entire set up is actually quite fragile. You realize that you don’t have a long-term ecosystem in place. If you want to improve over the long-term you need to live a life of constant improvement. You start to make changes:
Instead of trying toget what youwant at all times a larger portion of your time is spent helping others improve. You’re no longer asking how to find the right suit, you’re the one helping people find suits. You’re not asking how to revise your resume, you’re helping people revise their resumes. You’re spending less time competing with your fellow man and spending more time helping. You’re paying information back.
At this point game is your ability to build long-lasting relationships that will not only improve the quality of the women you meet but will also help you build an unbreakable support system in terms of money and time.
The Last Step
Once you have stepped through all of the three steps you should have the following: 1) no worries about being alone, 2) a set of friends you can call who will help you at any time, 3) a high tolerance for frustration as you realize the world does not owe you anything – you can tell the size of a man by what make him angry and4) a long-term goal you are building towards.
At this point game is a dedication to life long self improvement
Where are you?