Work Life Balance

Lets state the obvious here. If you’re looking for a career or business opportunity with “work life balance”, you’ve already lost. The implied message...

Get Out of the Middle Class

We are unaware of a post that addresses the issues of the middle class mindset. We’re going to try and tackle this. The middle class...

The Downside to Blogging

Blogging is great. Anyone who has succeeded in the life should start a blog as a simple way of paying information back (to those...

8 Takeaways: Brief Hangout with Mike Cernovich – Danger and Play

Recently had the chance to touch base with Mike Cernovich from Danger and Play. We don’t spend too much time together as we are...

Are You a Time Waster?

Time is the most important asset you have. Period. If you believe in God, that is perfectly fine, just don’t believe you have a second...

Short Break

Out of no where, the blog has blown up. We have been unable to respond to emails and are shutting down email communication at...

How Do You Get Rich? Two Rules.

Everyone in their 20s wants to be rich (note: we’re defining “rich” as $1M+, Felix Dennis will disagree). Ask any male who is in...

Overview of Healthcare: Part 1?

By popular demand we’re doing a new overview, this time focusing on healthcare (Finally!). We’re going to keep this simple and stick with three...

You Don’t Want to Sell? Too Bad.

Everything is sales. That’s right, even if you’re reading this blog to eventually obtain a job on the buyside, at a top tier hedge fund…...

Financial Disasters in 10 Simple Equations

Even if you work a mediocre job and don’t see much room for large earnings you’re still going to save a large amount of...