“Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!” has been a staple holiday theme song for as long as we can remember. In fact, its popularity is vindicated by the many iterations performed by such legends as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Smokey Robinson and Doris Day (note that despite also performing this song, the cast of Glee should be exempt from this list, however, we do respectfully acknowledge their talents and appeal to the modern day male loser). Let it Snow often offers holiday nostalgia of community gatherings with close friends and loved ones.
However, this is not the Snow we are referring to… Albeit the word ‘snow’ here, is too synonymous with both attracting talent (think hard 8s and soft 9s quality girls, rather than the aforementioned members of the Rat Pack, choose your drug of choice wisely) and community gatherings (think close “friends”, rather than your Facebook “friendszsz”).
Footnote: *We caveat the commentary below with the fact that we consider ourselves to be exiting our sophomore year (with ~2-years of experience vs. seasoned veteran) when it comes to throwing heavy snow parties, but we have learned fast as the benefit/cost analysis has proven to be very favorable over-time.
Why You Should Consider Hosting: In our view, hosting parties that involve snow are attractive for many reasons including, but not limited to the following:
1) Dimes Do Lines and You Build Solid Connections. Your targeted audience generally offers you more upside than any other random house party. Lines bring dimes rhymes for a reason, cheerleaders stand in lines, even playboy bunnies, a coincidence? We think not.

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What we mean here is that the caliber of girls generally are 1-2 notches higher, as snow is directly related to ‘status’, based on the principal of scarcity and by corollary higher prices ($30-50 gram). By comparison, snow runs at a 4-5x multiple to the cost of marijuana.
You tend to meet more affluent people, given that having money leads people to be Price Inelastic (where their consumption is not dependent on price). What is important to the affluent crowd, in our opinion, is: 1) being able to have access to something the 99% does not have access to: nines and dimes; and 2) an avenue to grow their popularity in a social setting – as, understandably, their jobs have hindered social skill progression. These affluent people often times have a valuable network that can serve you well in the present and future.
2) Status Gets You Laid, This Is Not Generally Speaking This Is Literal. Within the first few minutes of hosting snow parties you are able to EASILY (caps are necessary here) ascertain what girls are drawn to you – and yes this always proves to be broader from what you would originally expect. It is in this environment where one can easily look beyond one partner and aim for the more elusive ménage a trios. Don’t think it’s unattainable, that’s a belief in your mind, these situations will present themselves from time to time as the party matures.
3) Low Attrition. Among the most entertaining ways to host a stay-at-home party, as people are easily entertained for hours (we’re talking 9pm-5am timeline) with little urge to jump ship to another house party or club.
4) What Is Required: Surprisingly? Not much at all – as this aspect has been the biggest surprise of all. Don’t stress out about planning (like we initially had). Snow offers incredible leverage and more than you would initially suspect. That said, you can’t be completely complacent, but just offer the basic amenities you otherwise would at a party. Let’s go over the basics:
a) You obviously can’t ski without powder an 8-ball simply won’t do
b) Great music (solid mix of 80s, 90s and new stuff people can sing too). Remember in this case, it’s ok to bust out Madonna and Rihanna as girls will have a blast dancing/singing to this. This is more about them, than you, at this point.
c) Drinks. Load it up with anything your liver desires. If you’re budget conscience, it’s ok to over-weight some cheap wine that tastes good, you’ve run the math on dating already
d) At least 2-3 forms of entertainment/distractions (turntables on an iPad, strip drinking games, strip bingo, strip twister, strip hookah… Okay that last one is a bit overboard but you get the idea)
5) Why People Attend: To have a ridiculously fun and memorable time. In our experience the incremental craziness level is, well….the sky is the limit here.
a) Exclusivity. Most people want to feel exclusive (i.e. bottle service, front of the line entry into hot night clubs, rare invitations to events). This means offers
b) Network. In addition to meeting a crowd that has your same interest, and common friends, you can also meet people across various professions who have climbed the ladder. We have met celebrities (albeit b-level for now) through these parties in addition to meeting those that are well-established and highly–educated with whom we still keep a close relationship with.
c) Mind Blowing (pun intended) Fun. These parties are a blast. The difference is the level of unpredictability that ensues vs. going out on the town with your friends. Being in a group that has your similar interest absolves everyone from judgment that is more prevalent in normal bars/clubs, while being at one’s house/apartment adds several layers of comfort (including limited costs and minimal clean-up responsibilities no one saves snow like they do with weed).
Net/net: The upside surprises that are associated with these parties far outweigh the costs (and yes, the gentlemen attending typically offer to chip-in, and quite generously). With cost less of a burden, downside is limited to damaging your body (control the drug & alcohol use, and let your guests enjoy their time) and general clean-up. Remember guys, too much snow and well… nothing bad happens. Plan accordingly, with the targeted guest list you want (reach for those hard 8s and soft 9s), and get ready for a blast.
As you can see. To get those snow bunnies you gotta be making some monies.