A friend of ours tracked down this reddit thread discussing this article and the negative comments are exactly why the haters will remain in… the Ninety Nine percent. If you read the article and your takeaway is that we are 1) unhappy, 2) leeches or 3) angry about our lives here’s some good news for you we already know what your day looks like because you’re a loser. We are creating a platform to motivate and inspire. In addition, if you’re interested in getting into Wall Street we are giving you the tools you need. Maybe we are just stealing from you though… feel free to explain.
This is going to be a relatively long post because no one else is going to take the time to explain all of the “philosophical” arguments in a single post but lets get this started.
1) We Make Money By Doing Nothing. Myth. If you believe this is true have fun working in finance for your first 5-7 years because you won’t be seeing any sunlight but that’s not a problem because you’re certainly working harder than us already… Right?
2) We Create Zero Value. Thank you professor in no job experience. Let me ask you a simple question. If we told you that we can sell your current house on the market for 10% above the current bidding price you are receiving… are you willing to give us 200bps? Now if you own a business and we can get you 10% higher on your Multi-million dollar business now would you be willing to give us 200bps? Well that zero value argument died in a hurry.But maybe… you believe raising capital has no value.
3) Capital Raising is “Free Money”. This one is another automatic gag reflex. Let’s take a second to remember a story:
“There once was a time way back in the past where a young man had a great idea for a website. This young man was extremely competitive and rebelled against everything from his Ivy League Institution to job offers from major corporations. The idea was so great but he just didn’t have the capital to grow the business. Flash forward just a few years later and that Company is now worth tens of billions of dollars, the story is so great that they made a movie about it, that company is called Facebook.”
Wait, that story was awful because we wanted to choose an example that actually adds value to your life. Interesingly this guy IPO’d his own life. Lets move along.
If you believe that capital raising is bad, then you must ask yourself these two questions. Is the recognition of talent or a solid business idea a useless skill? Is salesmanship a useless skill?By correctly delivering the business proposition to investors and finding people to outlay real dollar bills you are adding a lot of value, one might say you’d be fit for a job in Venture Capital.
4) These Guys Are Depressed. Hard work is hard you should just quit. If you don’t enjoy working hard you are going to fail at life. The difference between a winner and loser is entirely in your mind. If you find someone who enjoys failing more than us please send them our way. Failing is fun because failure is just practice.If you get blown out by a 9.5… good you’re closer to the next one. If you lose your job? Guess what it is time to grind and find another one, you might even get one that pays better.
We will tell you one thing with absolute certainty, if you work as hard as possible you will become a more successful person. Knowing this statement is true since hard work leads to results how can hard work be depressing? It can’t if you want to win.
5) Money Buys Happiness. This is going to fly above most people’s heads. Lets go take a jaunt to a fundraiser shall we? Hmm… why is this place full of successful people? Successful people want to help you win and part of helping you win is giving you opportunity. If a man is starving, dying of thirst, sleeping on concrete and you hand him food he will be infinitely happier than the “life experiences” you received backpacking through a jungle with your iPhone and iPod. When we die, since we won’t be having any kids in this lifetime, every single penny will be dropped into a charity. Maybe this makes us bad people.
If you’re busy blaming other people for your life failures: Wall Street, Corporations, your parents, your brother, your Facebook “Friendddssszzzz”, your 5’6″ height and your brown instead of blue eye color and you are not working hard you should blame yourself. If your number one instinct is to try and bring someone down, you should try bringing people up instead. A real man of value makes everyone around him better.
Lets take a quick glance now and see if we’re the bad people or not, you can take your life advice from us where we received this email just under 2 hours ago.
“Hi WSPs,
Wow, I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much for putting so much work to edit my resume during Easter weekend. I really appreciate it. Now I am going to work in it per your suggestions and get back to you ASAP…
Thanks again and have a good week ahead,
Or you can take advice from some broke reddit keyboarder whose name is “Throw in the Towel”.
“What a terrible read. This blog didn’t motivate me at all. If this is his average day then this guy’s life sounds absolutely miserable. Do something you enjoy guys. Wealth is not everything like this idiot is saying.”
We are trying to build trust where we can all win. The decision is yours.